Yes, I am Working on the Scandal Episode 407 Recap
I know y’all are looking for it and some of you have threatened me. I am working on it but I had to write this post because folks keep emailing me. This is the ONE job I have given myself today so gimme some time to churn it out (takes …

An Innocent Man: Scandal Episode 406 Recap
Chile, last night’s episode of Scandal, I met my spirit animal in a woman named Bitsy Cooper. Let’s talk about it! Dreaming – Olivia is in the pool swimming in that AMAZING one-piece of hers. It switches to her being in bed with Jake but his face changes to Fitz’ …

The Key: Scandal Episode 405 Recap
Let’s just get right into this episode of Scandal. Dan Kubiak – Olivia shows Catherine the security tape of the man who was trying to grab a file from Catelyn, her step-daughter who was killed. She identifies him as Dan Kubiak, a security guard at her husband’s firm. He was …

Like Father, Like Daughter: Scandal Episode 404 Recap
The Hooked on Phonics Convention happened on last night’s Scandal episode because the amount of reading that went down was epic! Not only was the library open, but everyone got a book to take home after their life was read for filth! Chile, let’s talk about it! By the way, …

Brandy, Queen Latifah, MC Lyte and Yo-Yo Performing “I Wanna Be Down” Was Everything!
I did not watch the BET Hip Hop Awards last night because I forgot and nobody reminds me of anything anymore (*side-eyes everyone*). Plus I had work to do. I’m catching up with some of what I missed (amen, YouTube) and I got my entire LIFE with the performance that …

I’m So Ready to See Dear White People!
Chile, I’ve been excited about the movie Dear White People since I first heard about it. Created by young Black people (writer and director Justin Simien, producer Lena Waithe) and giving in-your-face commentary on racial dynamics in the United States. Looking around right now at what’s happening in Ferguson, you can …

The Case For Rearranging #TGIT on ABC Next Season
Yesterday was the third week of TGIT (aka Thank God It’s Thursday), which is ShondaLand’s three hour of slaying us every Thursday night on ABC. At this point, she’s co-owner of my eyebrows because she stays snatching it after she goes for my edges. TGIT goes: * Grey’s Anatomy – 8/7 …

Inside the Bubble: Scandal Episode 403 Recap
Scandal season 4 is back to getting the Gladiators to gladiate again and I’m really a fan of the fact that Olivia isn’t falling apart in every episode. Anywho, let’s talk about episode 3. Handle It – Lizzie Bear drops off her daughter at school when a shady-looking man rolls …

Key and Peele’s Gay Wedding Advice Has Me Howling
Key and Peele are geniuses. I love them so much because they’re fearless in their humor but still incredibly smart and thoughtful. You gotta see their sketch on the crazy names of football players. They’re truly everything that makes comedy important. I saw a sketch from them is about a family who …

The State of the Union: Scandal Episode 402 Recap
Let’s just get right into this latest episode of Scandal. Booty Calls – Liv and Jake go running and he tells her he booked them a hotel suite for booty calls. Do you see why he is perpetually been shutdown? He don’t know his place. Ever. HA! She tells him …