Key and Peele’s Gay Wedding Advice Has Me Howling
Key and Peele are geniuses. I love them so much because they’re fearless in their humor but still incredibly smart and thoughtful. You gotta see their sketch on the crazy names of football players. They’re truly everything that makes comedy important.
I saw a sketch from them is about a family who is about to experience its first gay wedding. So they wanted to make sure they knew all they could about how those go and they ask a coworker to come school them on the logistics. What ensues is complete utter hilarity, and with some dope actors (like Lance Riddick, Romany Malco, Vernee Watson-Johnson).
Just watch.
I couldn’t stop laughing about one thing before the next line made me cackle like a hyena. The dude with the notepad, though. He was so prepared to learn.
“Cousin Delroy’s getting married. To a man. Which is crazy.” *everybody nods*
“As an active member of the homosexual community…”
“None of us are gay so I would assume we would all sit in the straight section.”
“So when in the ceremony do we sing Over the Rainbow?”
“I’m nervous because I can only do jazz hands for like 3 minutes before my hands start to cramp.”
“Now can we see the pony show from the straight section or are we way in the back somewhere?”
“Where do you get the euros to buy gay gifts?” WHEN I TELL YOU I ALMOST SLID OUT MY CHAIR AT THIS LINE! LMAOOOOOOOO!!!

Courtesy of BuzzFeed
“Do we have to participate in the anal sex or do we have to watch and cheer in a firemen’s hat?”
“When do we sing YMCA?”
“So there’s no gay hymns in the ceremony?” GAY. HYMNS. I don die!
“Do we throw something other than rice?” “What would you throw?” “I don’t know. Cous cous. Skittles.” Crying.
“Is RuPaul gonna be there?”
Finally, he just had to quit them because he was so unable with their questions. Chile, I HOLLERED. This sketch is gold. Their show is on Comedy Central, and it comes on Wednesday nights.
P.S. My homies over at Very Smart Brothas actually met Key and Peele and sat down with them for the “Blackness Challenge.” Hilarity ensued and it’s great because VSB is basically a mirror of K&P, blog-version.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m literally laughing into my jacket at my desk. This is beyond hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m crying!
I watched this skit about 5 times and cried laughing each time.
But how he changed it up from friend from work to “coworker” tho!
Right. Mess.
“Is Neil Patick Harris gonna be there?”
They were so excited at the thought of it. LOL
And everything about this sketch is enhanced by Key’s choice of hairhat.
Yes. The coif cap is the cherry on top of the foolery sundae.
That’s…not Marla Gibbs. Not at all
Aw shit. Look at my life and choices. Lemme fix.
I think the actress’s name is Vernee Watson. She also played Will’s Smith’s mom on Prince of Bel AIr. Because I am an old fart, I remember her from Welcome Back Kotter.
“Because I am an old fart, I remember her from Welcome Back Kotter.”
I know you do, because so do I. Also a couple of one-offs on What’s Happening! and Good Times. And let’s not forget her time in the Susan Harris universe, playing Benson DuBois’s sister once he’d spun off into his own show.
Let’s just tell it: girlfriend has been all over my teevee since I was drinking out of a big boy glass.
Haa. Good skit. But that is Vernee Watson, NOT Marla Gibbs.
Yup. I fixed it.
should have scrolled down.
Man! My friend (who got married this weekend) sent this to me in preparation for her wedding.
And when I tell you I hollered (then texted her I was bringing Skittles.
I don died and went to gay wedding heaven. ” We throw cous cous and skittles” #dead #unable #lazarushasleftthebuilding
Macho Man. Really Dude? Really?
My fave K&P sketch so far this season. Also, if anyone is curios, the sketch also features Gary Anthony Williams (voice of Uncle Ruckus, Smart Brother in Undercover Brother) and Daniele Gather (former cast mate to Key & Peele on Madtv. You got to check her character Yvonne Criddle).
Gary Williams is the actor taking notes. He also does the voice of Uncle Rukkus.
Williams, Key and Peele are a part of an improv group which performs “The Black Version” of classic movies twice a month in Hollywood. Too funny!
Skittles. I always hated that candy and now it makes me laugh.
I am I’m love with K&P! I rewatch episodes daily. This sketch made me scream! Oh how I lurves them so!
Chile, he said Cous Cousin or skittles. I am DONE!!! I love Key and Peele. Their Othello skit had me howling and the one where President Obama greet white people and black people differently was awesome too.
Cous cous. Damn u auto correct
I snorted…yup.
The brothers taking the notes was killing me.
When Auntie said “Can we see the pony show from the straight section? ” I was too through. So many quotables! LOL LOL
K& P are stupid in the best way possible. Them and Drunk History are 2 of my favorite Comedy Central shows
Drunk history is off the chain!! I absolutely LOVE LOVE that show!
The brother that wouldn’t make eye contact and the note taker… had me dying!!! I love their show. The Obama handshake skit is another one that is for the books!!! LMAO
When she said, “Hmm…got a little testy” I was crying. Especially when he revealed he had Stefan waiting outside the door!
OK so wo is paying for my funeral? ’cause I just died watching this!! ROTFLMAO
Just had surgery (throat) and I tried to laugh quietly but I couldn’t–I was hollering my ass off. I’m in so much pain now…might even need my stitches checked
The “Gay Hymns” and the “Pony Show” almost took me out!
I been loving K & P since MADtv & they do not disappoint. ‘Bout to get me fired watching their foolishness at work LMAO
I could not..this was way too funny.
They are hilarious! The football sketch has a part one and two and both are equally funny!
I love the substitute teacher skit.
Dude with the pad and pencil just killed me because he wasn’t gonna miss anything! Lol! And of course the “…couscous, skittles..” was the cherry on top! Great stuff!!
This wasn’t the least bit funny; I cut it off after two minutes. It was too stereotypical, and the references were to stuff that was so old, I fell off my wooly mammoth when I head them. YMCA and “straight section”, indeed!
I’ll excuse almost anything if it’s funny. But like you say, Calvin, these jokes are played out. Such boring stereotypes. The LGBTQ community deserves better writing than that.
Tha drop. lol.
Okay. Last one. lol.
why won’t romany make eye contact…..ahahahahahahahahaha *dead* cous cous or skittles…..*dead* again lawd save me!
This was soooooooo funny! Every time I thought I was done laughing, I read the next line! Love the “throw skittles”
They seem to be very kind toward every other identity groups (such as this skit) except for Black women and they use their biraciality(?) as a permission slip to do so….
They did a sketch/skit(?) called “Mixed Wiener” that implied that Black women were loose.
Keegan Michael Key is married to a white woman but had a lot to say about being married to a Black woman during his guest appearance on Conan.
Starts at 2:25.
Luv ya Luvvie….
But do we throw couscous or skittles?! #DED
“Do we throw something other than rice?” “What would you throw?” “I don’t know. Cous cous. Skittles.” Crying. I thought I was going to choke! LOL!!!
I C A N N O T!!!!!!! They are not going to throw Cous Cous
One of my favs… A-A-Ron
i am crying REAL TEARS at my desk!!!! so mad that i am just seeing this sketch. when he asked what else would you throw other than rice, i really didnt expect an answer. but cous cous and skittles!!! DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!!
If they weren’t such a mess to clean up, I would welcome Skittles at my wedding!
I thought I had a wicked sense of humor. If only I could come up with a skit like this. LOL