The 2013 BET Awards Killed TURNUP and Charlie Wilson Brought the House Down
I never miss the BET Awards because even when it’s bad, the tweets make it afun to watch. But this year, it actually wasn’t that bad. And for BET, that means it was a good show. I missed the first hour of the show so I’m gonna act like those …

About the Time Miguel Dropkicked a Fan at the Billboard Awards
I did not watch the Billboard Awards yesterday because I frankly couldn’t muster any dambs to give about it. I didn’t e’em realize it was coming on til I saw a tweet about it around 4pm. Still. No dambs were given. Anywho, when it wrapped, I started hearing about the …

The 2013 Grammy Awards Were Decent. Or Maybe Twitter Tricked Me
The Grammys were relatively lowkey this year compared to previous ones. Because 2 out of the last 4 years, something MAJORLY tragic has happened before it. Thankfully, nothing crazy of note happened. WE TANK GAWD. Anywho, my thoughts on the show are about everything but the award giving itself. You’re …

My 10 Thoughts About the 2013 Golden Globe Awards
I was really excited to watch the Golden Globe Awards this year because my comedy sheros Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were hosting. You cannot get a more perfect pairing than those two and I figured it’d be a good show with them at the helm. So I sat through …

The 2012 BET Awards Was Surprisingly Good. They Did Whitney RIGHT
I can truly say that BET did a good job with one of their programs. This is high praise, seeing as how I’ve wanted to just fight during past award shows. This year’s was actually really good and I enjoyed it, so kudos to the folks over at BET for …
Journey to the Academy Awards: My Epic Oscar Day Recap
This post is coming so late because I haven’t known how to recap the most EPIC weekend of my life thus far. This whole thing has seemed surreal since I found out I’d be going to the Academy Awards, but experiencing it felt even crazier. Half the time, I couldn’t …

Today’s the Academy Awards! Follow Luvvie & Afrobella’s Coverage
It’s finally! Today’s the 84th Academy Awards (aka the Oscars) and we’re in LA covering the show. Afrobella and I will be on the red carpet pre-show and backstage in the press room as the show goes on. Throughout the day, we’d like to bring you with us on our …

My Journey to the Academy Awards with Afrobella
My peoples! I’ve been MIA on my eCrib all week because I’ve been prepping for my trip to LA for the Academy Awards. I’m there right now for a trip of a lifetime, and it’s a dream come true. Actually, it’s a dream I didn’t even have because I didn’t …

My 10 Thoughts on the SAG Awards
Last night was the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards and here are my 10 thoughts on it. * On the Red Carpet, Angelina Jolie was looking like she got dragged out the house. And her hair was all poofy like she forgot to flat-iron it. Or maybe when she left …
BET Awards 2011 Recap: The Show Was… I Got Questions
I don’t know. I really don’t have one adjective to describe the 2011 BET Awards. It was entertaining mostly because of the live-tweets from my Twitfam. But if I was sitting in my living room without the world’s commentary to keep me company, I probably woulda spent the whole 3 …