Lowkey Movin’ On – Insecure Season 4, Episode 5 Recap
This post is in partnership with HBO. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own.
Not Cool – It’s 3:32 a.m. and Issa is wide awake at home, stressed, because she still needs a headliner for the Block Party. She gets on the ‘gram and sees that Nathan is active so she DMs him. He asks if she wants to talk and the answer is yes, because she dials his number. He big ups her for the upcoming event, but she laments that she’s still struggling to find a main act. He got the place to himself because Andrew is at “her girl’s” and she replies with “I don’t really f*ck with Molly anymore.” Uh oh.

Insecure Season 4 HBO
At her place, Molly is whining about what to wear to the Block Party, which she doesn’t even want to go to. Apparently, Issa didn’t come to her celebration dinner. She tells Andrew “I love her, but I don’t really like her right now” as she begrudgingly gets dressed.
Turning Up – It’s Block Party day! It is 17 minutes in, and the place is empty. Issa has an intern for the day named Koya, and they both look mighty official with their “Block Party” t-shirts. As Issa surveils the layout, she sees Condola. SURPRISE!!! Where’s she been at? Well, turns out Condola wasn’t sure she’d come, because her and Lawrence broke up (aw dang). Ok, so what’s that have to do with why you’ve been MIA in the planning? Any who, she apologizes for her absence, but is still holding on to mad weird energy. She turns around and leaves as Issa sees Kelli acting up at the step & repeat.

Insecure Season 4 HBO
Tiffany and Derek are watching Kelli live her best red-carpet life, because it isn’t like there is anyone else there to take pics. It’s straight tumbleweeds. The three decide to take their own snapshots, doing the standard happy, sexy, jail poses that are a prerequisite for any squad pics. Molly is noticeably missing. Meanwhile, Kelli is now speaking in a British accent because she brought a date (Darnell) who she lied to when they met. This is going to be great!
Issa turns to the boys and asked if they knew Lawrence and Condola broke up, but neither of them did. Things are looking up, though as Koya tells Issa, there’s press there who wants to talk to her. OK DEN! It’s an on-camera interview and the anchor points out that the Black excellence intention of the Block Party ain’t reflected there, because there’s a lot of white faces present. Gentrification is a b*tch, ain’t it? After the interview, Issa asks what outlet she’s with and the woman tells her she’s from YouTube. Well, she’s wanting to launch a YouTube channel. Womp womp.
Faking It – Molly finally shows up and she shares an awkward church hug with Issa, which Tiff and Kelli pick up. Ahmal arrives too, and gives Kelli a side-eye, which seems to be their usual.
The musical acts start taking the stage and the crowd is filling out a bit more. Ahmal, knowing Kelli’s shtick, asks her in front of Darnell what part of England she’s from. Our girl answers “South Central Poppycock,” and I could have fallen out my chair in laughter. When he asks her thoughts on Brexit, she changes the subject to US government. This fool she’s with says we got 2 branches: Presidential and Bank. Hence, Bank of America. Friends don’t let friends have dumbass dates. I swear.
Derek gets a call that the baby keeps crying, and he tells Tiff they should head home. She tells him to go without her because she’s still kicking it hardcore. Sis doesn’t seem to be feeling motherhood. We should be worried about her.
Cutting Slack – Molly and Andrew are sitting watching the acts and he’s impressed with how the Block Party is unfolding. It’s clear that Issa worked her ass off, so he points that out to Molly and says maybe that’s why the friends are having a tough time. Sh*t, she was JUST MIA in his life when work got so busy for her so maybe cut bestie some slack.

Insecure Season 4 HBO
Trina makes her way to the Block Party and is quick to point out to Issa that it looks like a Farmers’ market. Where are the Black folks? Even the tap-dancing lady on stage is white, but to be fair, she is from the neighborhood. Right then, Nathan shows up. She’s mad that this party is lacking melanin and he reminds her to be proud of how she made this happen, when at Coachella, it was just a small idea she had. True, true.
Besides, she managed to book Vince Staples as the headliner and SIR was on stage at the moment. She’s done good! The crowd, which is respectable at this point, is rocking. In fact, a big group of Black folk stream in, finally, making her smile. You know we love to be late, but we are always right on time! As she looks on, finally pleased with who is being represented, Molly shows up with some wings for her. She figured she’s probably been too busy to eat. She looks like she wants to say something to her friend, but Koya interrupts. Vince Staples has arrived! Issa leaves and Molly looks a bit deflated.
Good Vibes – Backstage, Issa makes sure Vince has everything he needs, and he does. He’s ready to take on the stage. She even runs into Thug Yoda, who for some reason, wants to be her matchmaker to make her lesbian dreams (that she didn’t have) come true. HA! Good to see him.
The energy has to be peak before Vince comes out, so the DJ puts on the Wobble, the line dance of our people. Everyone gets in formation. Molly ain’t gotta teach Asian Bae, because he already got it. Koya pulls Issa to wobble and she ends up next to Molly, where they high five. Aaawwwww. The MC then brings Issa up to the stage to talk, but the crowd wants Vince, chanting his name. Well, give the people what they want!
Vince Staples gets on and kills! Crowd is rocking, Tiffany included, even though it’s nighttime and her baby’s home. It goes off without a hitch.

Insecure Season 4 HBO
Storming – Afterwards, Vince’s manager comes up to Andrew and thanks him. Molly’s confused. Why? Oh, because Andrew is the one who hooked Issa up with Vince, through Nathan. Molly is PISSED! At him, at her, at everyone, and storms off.
Molly goes to Issa and confronts her, saying she went behind her back to get Andrew to hook her up with a headliner. Why would Issa get her man to help her? Issa says well since her friend was willing to let her fail, she asked Nathan to ask his roommate, who happened to be her boyfriend, and everything goes off the rails. Molly accuses Issa of always needing someone’s help, always having drama and always using other people.
The crew surrounds them, trying to calm each of them down. And when Issa points out that IF Molly and Asian Bae don’t last, it will be par for the course for her self-sabotaging ass. The girls implode as “f*ck yous” are exchanged and they are this close to coming to blows.
Then, someone yells “gun” and the crowd scrambles. Kelli even drops her fake British accent in the panic of it all.
In the parking lot, Andrew apologizes to Molly and says he doesn’t mean to be a source of friction. Tiffany asks Issa if she wants a ride, and she says no. Nathan offers to stay, but she declines. She sees the “Good Vibes Only” sign. Then, it starts to storm. The weather reflecting Issa’s mood.
What was going to be one of the best days, turned into the worst very quickly.

Insecure Season 4 HBO
Whew child, let me put this out there off the bat: Molly was dead ass wrong. DEAD ASS WRONG. If this is the demise of the friendship, Molly has to take the L, because her reaction to Issa getting Nathan to pull strings with Andrew was unjustified. So, you refuse to ask your man for a favor for your friend (understandable), and then you get mad that the friend finds other means to get what she wants. Nah, son. Molly tried to make it seem as if she was somehow protecting Andrew, but he didn’t make a big deal out of the favor, so why did she?
Molly was out here carrying a bucket of sea salt on her shoulders with this Block Party. She’s mad Issa has been MIA when she was too for work that got busy. The problem is, she didn’t take Issa’s vision and dream with this Block Party serious, and now it’s crystal clear. The hateration in her dancerie was too much. We are often so self-centered about what WE aren’t receiving from people without asking what others are dealing with.
The Block Party was a rousing success, and Issa couldn’t even enjoy the fruits of her labor. Molly wasn’t just wrong about her reaction, but her timing was sh*t.
There are sometimes when you’ll argue with friends, but this fight that the girls had, where they almost got physical, feels like a moment that will be hard for either of them to come back from. Where can they go from here? How do they mend a bridge they blew up? I’m not sure, but Molly was wrong here. That much, I know.
I agree, Molly was so so wrong.
Molly hasn’t been the center of Issa’s world, especially since things seem to be going well for Molly. She’s got a bae, she’s good with her pops, and work is work. But Issa finally has something she can work on and work toward. And, she’s succeeding. So Molly missed the mark in not asking Andrew for a reco for Issa’s black party, especially when it ended up being a coup for him too. The success in making it happen falls to Nathan, not Molly. Unfortunately, the only thing that can bring a friendship back together, or limit the tension, is a death or a serious issue with another friend.
I have a bad feeling that emergency is going to be Tiffany. Postpartum depression/anxiety can really be damaging.
I agree.
Molly is the type that has to be the ‘superior’ to her friends. That is why she is quick to snap on Issa (Your life doesn’t have to always be messy) instead of looking at her own shortcomings (holding a lifeline grudge against her dad). She is super slack with friend grace. And she is currently mad that Issa is getting stuff done WITHOUT her. She got super salty with the introduction of Condola (not the center of Issa’s world). So messy.
Crazy thing for me is. She said SHE didn’t want to help. That doesn’t mean Andrew is off limits. It basically meant she couldn’t access him through Molly. Which left Nate – who clearly didn’t have a problem with it. Most of all – nor did Andrew. So the question to me is – why does Molly?
I agree 100 percent. Molly only good when she’s over Issa, helping her, rescuing her etc. The shade she threw last week on Issa and Lawrence talking when she was sleeping with a married man is foolishness. Instead of being glad that Molly found a way without using her just don’t seem right
It looks like Issa will be owning a little bit of responsibility for the blowup, but the lion’s share of the blame is still on Molly, from where I’m standing. I’m liking that Andrew is maintaining his chill through this, because it may do a lot to open Molly’s eyes. (Then again, maybe not.)
This was another example of Molly expecting Issa to not follow through on her plans/goals and fail. Molly was wrong for overreacting. I’m also glad that Issa is finally respecting herself enough to set boundaries with those in her life.
Molly is wrong as two left shoes! ????
She accuses Issa of always needing to be recused but gets mad when she’s not the one doing the rescuing!
Molly is so damn petty. Been annoyed with her all season. Narcissist mixed with judgy juice is not a vibe. Urgh.
I’ve felt the same way about Molly. Issa was wrong for not showing up at Molly’s celebration, but this fight Molly just picked with Issa is so petty and so wrong place/wrong time.
I spent quite a bit of the last few episodes shaking my head at Molly. When she told Issa no about asking Andrew, she made it sound like she didn’t want to use her relationship with him because she was trying to protect what they had or something. With that being said, why would Issa think Molly cared if she got what she needed without involving her special relationship with her man?? If the reason she gave Issa had been true, there would have been no problem. Molly was dead wrong & just had to bring Issa back down to the level she was used to her being & had the nerve to make a scene at her event to do it. I don’t think she much cared for professional Issa who got things done. I don’t understand why all of a sudden, because it was Issa, it was not ok to put all of your energy into work. Molly expects everyone around her to understand when she ghosts them for work & to love her anyway, including Andrew, but she had no chill at all when Issa did it to her. I don’t know how they fix this.
Molly is bugging. She needs to be in control of everything and she’s pressed that Issa was able to get something done without her help. Had Issa failed at this block party, Molly’s spirit would have been happy because it’s the norm she is used to. The audacity of Issa to have a win without her help that she wasn’t offering to begin with. She tried to say no for Andrew and couldn’t. She wants her mom to be beefin with her dad and she’s not. The only one who seems to be checkable for her is Issa. Molly’s conversation should’ve been had first with Andrew. “Hey babe, if my friends come to you for favors loop me in.” Issa got a lot of heat that wasn’t solely meant for her.
unpopular opinion: Molly and Issa’s friendship really shouldn’t have extended past college.
I have been done with Molly since she would not let Nathan see Issa when he came to see her on her birthday after being MIA. I know Molly thought she was keeping him from ruining Issa’s birthday, but it wasn’t her decision to make. IMO, Molly has some serious personality deficiencies that needs some extensive treatment. Especially since I believe they are masking some underlying severe mental health problems that is going to manifest itself in a meltdown at some unfortunate crucial point, a public gathering. The block party was just the tip of the iceberg.
EXACTLY!!! How are you going to talk about ‘boundaries’ in your relationship when you’ve interfered in MY relationships? And I thought Nathan explained himself to Issa about why he did what he did. Mental health problems are no joke.