It was Hella Onyx: The Blackest Black History Month Ever
The Blackest and best Black History Month ever ended yesterday and I am just reveling in it’s abundant noirness. Still. It was utterly lit. Like Olympic Torch lit. Like Christmas Lights when you do too much so you keep the neighbors up all night because your house is one giant flashlight lit.
There were so many amazing moments too. Let’s talk about it!
Frederick Douglass’ Google Doodle Blowout
On February 1, Google dropped their Doodle to commemorate Black History Month. We did not know what was to come in these 29 days, but we shoulda known it was a special one. An animated Frederick Douglass was featured on Google’s homepage, welcoming us into February with a blowout that was so legit, I was almost jealous I no longer had an afro. My man Frederick rocked the most righteous coiffure and we had to start the month by paying homage to that.
Antebellum fierceness. This is how this month kicked off.
Beyonce’s Blackness on ten
And then on the 6th day of the month, Beyonce Knowles the GOAT dropped her best video yet in the middle of a Saturday, like we ain’t had shit to do. But we didn’t. Because the moment Formation came out as the IDGAF anthem, everyone’s original plans went out the window. The Creole Bamma made the loudest statement she ever has about state-sanctioned racism in the video. A Black boy getting white cops to surrender to him as he danced in front of them, the phrase “stop shooting us” and her drowning a cop car to end it all. I WAS HYPE. GEEKED.
As if that wasn’t enough. The next night, she performed during the Super Bowl, wearing a black and gold onesie that was a hat tip to Michael Jackson. She was flanked by a bunch of fierce Black women as her dance squad, rocking afros and dressed as tributes to the Black Panthers.

MANNNNN, LISTEN. I got my entire life, because our Bey don growed up and got loud about the bullshit. She did it on a grandest stage too, and I even asked a couple of my friends who are members of the BeyHive to invite me to the next meeting. But after 3 days and 5,401 thinkpieces about Bey and people being mad, I wanted out. Because I wasn’t dedicated to the cause of defending her for hours every day. I love her, doe.
Kendrick Lamar’s Grammy performance
On February 15, the GRAMMY Awards happened and Kendrick Lamar performed one of the best sets on that stage ever. He came out with some bruhs, as a chain gang. Because you know what you do to up the Blackness quotient of an already Black ass month? By making a statement on the Prison Industrial Complex and it’s demonization of Black men as you entertain folks on music’s most important night. The dude ended his set standing in front of a map of Africa with “Compton” on it, for Haysoos Kristi’s sake.
I wondered if the auditorium smelled like patchouli oil and incense after he was done because I wanted to know the after-effects of all that Blackdom. I thought I was gon pass out from Over-Black.
The Black White House
I was invited to attend the Black History Month reception happening at the White House on February 18th. I was at the same event last year and I couldn’t miss this one because it is the last one of our first Black President. I insisted on being as Black as I could possibly be, not knowing that this administration had also committed to doing the same at the reception. I wore a kaftan that I got made when I went to Nigeria two years ago.

I went to slay.
How Black was the event? Let me break it down.
* Morgan State University’s marching band drummed us in. Not just any university but an HBCU. You could hear them the moment you walked into the White House gate, as you went through security. They were like 500 feet away and the drumbeats welcomed us before we could even see them. Then as you walked through the doors, you were basically in a soul train line, passing through a line of Marching Band folks.
* There was a Black orchestra playing in the foyer. Because we love classical music too and we diversify our bonds because we can play it too.
* There was a Step Team. StepAfrica proceeded to give us our entire life wth a 30 minute performance. They started by the doors and announced myself and proceeded to step it ALL THE WAY out in the White House. The floors shook and everyone was yelling YYYAAAAASSSSSS and “YALL BETTER WORK” and it was just a Black moment. Watch the video.
* They performed was “wade in the water.” Of all songs, y’all. StepAfrika then did a set with Wade in the water and I LIVED. I remembered that episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when Aunt Viv 1.0 sang it to Will’s history class when she subbed for them. Seeing that song being performed in the White House. CHILE! HOW BLACK CAN WE BE? HOW MUCH DO I LOVE US? WHY WAS IT EVERYTHING?
* HEYYYY Michelle! – President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama came out to speak, and standing next to me was Tracy Braxton. She hit one good “HEY MICHELLE” and everyone cackled, including POTUS as FLOTUS waved.
* There was buttermilk friend chicken. Yes, they made sure fried chicken was in the delicious platter of food served endlessly throughout the 4 hour event. It never ran out. It was like if Heaven was run by Tupac.
* Open bar had Hennessey. Seriously. Peak Blackness. I Instagrammed a pic as proof.
I’m really wondering if someone was in the corner playing Spades. That’s the only way we coulda had a Blacker time. All that Black excellence under one roof. I was in my feelings from pride. That day, we turned the White House Black. Unapologetically, loudly Black.
Black Panther documentary
PBS premiered Black Panthers: Vanguards of a Revolution to keep the Trill Blackness going.
The misunderstood, oft-demonized group of revolutionaries deserved to have their story told. Especially to a generation that is removed from the injustices they faced for daring to fight for justice.
They ran a free Breakfast program for children, and some say it was their most radical move. Their leaders got assassinated by the FBI, after being subjected to COINTELPRO surveillance. They were deemed a terrorist group, in a world where the KKK is allowed to flourish. This story needed to be told in this super Black month.
Black-Ish’s Police Brutality Episode
Entertainment does not have to be mutually exclusive from education and the folks behind Black-Ish decided to face the subject of police brutality against Black folks head on in what I think is their best episode yet. That show is better than even IT knows sometimes. And because it was slotted against Empire, it also misses out on a massive audience who can’t get enough of Cookie. BUT Black-ish showed that it needs to be here to stay for a long while with this episode, titled Hope. It will probably be the one they submit for Emmy Consideration. It should be, if not.
The way they address the systemic racism that works against our skinfolk was brilliant. The acting was superb and it was just more Black excellence. It spoke to us, for us and about us.
WHEW. Incredible.
#TrapCovers on Twitter
Because the month was getting so Black, white folks went on and did wack acoustic covers of Beyonce’s “Formation” and Rihanna’s “Work.” Twitter responded with one of the best hashtags ever: #TrapCovers. Folks did trap versions of pop songs and further showed how the world would be boring without Black folks. Some of them are so good that I wish they’d be produced in a studio and we could make them into a Spotify playlist. BuzzFeed has rounded up some of the best ones.
Anthony Hamilton and Fantasia going on tour
On the last day of this Black ass Black history month, it was announced that Anthony Hamilton and Fantasia Barrino will be going on a 10-city tour!
Me and @tasiasword are going on tour together! Visit to see the dates.
— Anthony Hamilton (@HamiltonAnthony) February 29, 2016
It’s like the ancestors got together and collaborated to make this happen because who can sing some souls down from Heaven better than Anthony “Frederick’s Great Great Grand-Nephew” Hamilton and Fantasia “Sojourner’s Truth in Song” Barrino. Every concert gon need to start with libations to keep the spirits at bay because they might all be tempted to show up and show out. All that damb soul. Might be TOO MUCH. All that Black. You know Tasia Mae gon take off her shoes the moment she steps upon that stage. And Anthony? Well, one good struggle wail from him and I’ma be rocking #bagginfoaf.
Will I be in the building? YES MA’AM! I love bofadem so hard. They’re gonna be in Chicago on April 23. My body is READY.
Whew. Just Black. Noir. Sable. Onyx. February 2016 is gonna go down in history as the month of Turnt. We even had an extra day of it in this Leap Year. We showed OUT with every single hour.
We gotta keep it going, though. I ask for Melanin March. Afro April. Mahogany May. Jet June. Sable September. Onyx October. Nubian November. Dark December. I need something for July and August. Because: alliteration is hard sometimes. Edit: Y’all have suggested Jubilant July and Ancestral August. DONE!
We need to have a Black ass year and a Black ass life. Because this February has shown me that once you go UBER BLACK, you can’t go back. You gotta keep it going and make folks uncomfortable with your Blackness. Make em mad. MAKE EM MAD.
I’m committed to keeping this going. Can’t stop, won’t stop!
What other really Black moments were there? These were my favorites.
I recommend JustUs July, and Ashe August. And this entire piece gave me my whole life! BUt I howled on “like we aint have shit to do”. Still laughing.
You wrote exactly what I was thinking… Lol
….and I howled on Ashe August! #PassTheVaselinePlease
Ashe (pronounced Ash-AY) is a Yoruba word meaning power, command, and authority; it is the ability to make whatever one says happen. Often summarized as “so be it”, “so it is”, or “so mote it be”. No shade intended.
Ashe is pronounced (Ash-E) as in felt.
Thank you.
You had me at Hennessey at open bar, when are we going to see that again? Whoa Step Afrika was at my daughter’s school on Monday. I concur, Blackest BHM ever!!!!!
I immediately thought of Ashy August too! LMFAO! Seconded!
My fave has to be the full version of the Golden Girl remix. Because when dude snatched his wig off at the bigggaaaaaaaaast. I don die everytime.
Girl yes I know!!!
When the 106 year old lady visited the White House and danced and said how proud she was to have a Black President and that he married a Black woman, that had to be one of the Blackest moment.
This. Right. HERE. I watched that video 50 ‘leven times.
I love that video! That woman gives me life and hope!
YES, yes, yes! She was everyone’s G’ma, Big Momma, Muhdear, MawMaw. ALLOFIT!
Watched that over and over and couldn’t stop smilin’ – after cryin’ the first time!
OMG! YASSSSSSSS!!! I fell out when she said it!
that was beautiful!
Yes!! Yes yes yes!! That amazing little old lady was everything!! I just want to hug her everytime I watch that video. Well, kneel and hug her, coz where I’m from it’s rude to tower over your elders. But anyway. Yes.
Let’s be real… Who thought our 1st Black president would have a Black wife? I was expecting a good talking negro with a sellout fro, a white wife and biracial children.
I loved that video and truly felt her joy at meeting the Black President and First Lady. I was tears in because it hit home as to how hard the ancestors worked for us, as a people to get to this point. Mann listen #ThugTears
Debbie Allen doing African dance in White House.
One of my favorite moments of this Blackest Black History Month is when they had dance in the White House… Alvin Ailey… Debbie Allen… I can’t remember all… but they had West African dance and ballet and so many more… because we are ALL!! I’m really going to miss this Presidential family….
My favorite part was getting my DNA results and learning I’m 26% Nigerian. We cousins! 🙂
How could you forget Ms. Virginia McLaurin, the 106 year old who met the President and First Lady and said, “A black president…a black wife.”
All I could do was rock in my chair and groan at all the pride going on!
How about Jellof July? We should celebrate rice.
This has got to be the Blackest blog post I’ve ever read.
Love this post.
Um Not to be bad but what the hell…the death of justice Scalia during black history month with a black president in office! And on that vein I propose DamnSkippyDecember!
Oloriwaa, your comment on Scalia is so “Petty Perfect” that I don’t know whether to quit you for making me laugh this hard or propose for expressing my EXACT feeling!! Will you accept this Petty Rose?! LMAO!!!
I’m with you, add in Petty Peach Pie with Ice Cream and a “Hella No! No Team Chill here!!!”
Thank you for writing this. I saw so much more Black History this year, especially people looking for under-celebrated heroes. I loved Periscope for that- it was amazing, folks passing the scopes around and everyone found someone new to celebrate.
Black History is everyone ‘s history. More is better in the education vein. I’m white, and I’m working to catch up on what I missed out on.
And thanks so much especially for the story of the White House celebration. That one I missed. What a class act!
Another black (but rather sad) moment- the passing of the last Buffalo Soldier.
I think it’s a fitting end to Black History Month, and a fantastic launch into Black History Year.
A favorite onyx moment was the Ray Charles musical tribute at the black house! FLOTUS had to fan herself during “Night Time Is The Right Time” sung by Anthony Hamilton, and POTUS was in there starting a soul clap! I died and went to heaven on that tribute!
Can we please just go on and update June to JET-BLACK JUNE. IJS. We gotta keep our blackness alive and well. I mean the blacker the berry….I love this!!
Nope. JET JUNE stays!
Lol…ok ok…I love them all anyway!
thanks for the recap. It was indeed a Black Black History Month.
You forgot the 106 Elder that got to meet the First Couple. And, her meeting them, through her eyes, after what she’s lived…WAS EVERYTHING!!
Virginia McLauren
Don’t forget Debbie Allen teaching African dance at the WH. #BlackOverload
I love it all.
….and don’t forget! They found a photograph of Frederick Douglass in Rochester, that hasn’t been seen by anyone for over 100 years! Yes, put it all together, and this was the most amazing Black History Month!
[…] via It was Hella Onyx: The Blackest Black History Month Ever | Awesomely Luvvie. […]
First Black woman to run a network was hired by ABC this February, Channing Dungey.
This month was extra BLACK and I loved it!
I’m just saying.
[…] Blackest Black History Month just ended and we’re now in Melanin March but folks are trying to steal our […]
[…] Blackest Black History Month just ended, and we’re now in Melanin March, but folks are trying to steal our […]
[…] Blackest Black History Month just ended, and we’re now in …read […]
I was embarrassed, confused and bewildered. No matter Zoe’s commitment level you need a basis that evoked the spirit of the character, not a caricature!
[…] Blackest Black History Month just ended, and we’re now in Melanin March, but folks are trying to steal our […]
[…] Blackest Black History Month just ended, and we’re now in Melanin March, but folks are trying to steal our […]
THIS! YES!! NOW!! Let ’em know Luvvie? I know it’s technically Melanin March, but we strait jackin’ this ish!
They gone learn today!!!! I got NO Chill for them. None!!!
Let’s not forget that an ULTRABLACK QUEEN is #WINNING American idol right now with a fro for the GAWDS, hips fo yo mama and yo mama’s mama, and all the soul of a potato peelin contest in Mississppi.
[…] long! To escape the limitation of merely a month of Black History and commemoration of Black pride, Awesomely Luvvie started a yearly campaign in honor of all things Black. While we’ve missed “JustUs […]
[…] It was Hella Onyx: The Blackest Black History Month Ever, Awesomely Luvvie. […]
[…] Source link […]
[…] told you that we’re gonna have a Black ass year. Now look what Joseph’s stepson don did. FAVOR AIN’T FAIR, SAINTS. It ain’t. […]
[…] moved on in life. And then she gracefully tossed her hair back and out of the Blue Ivy, during what Luvvie coined as the most Onyx of Black History Months to date, there was a collective gasp of emotion and […]
[…] year Black History Month has been unofficially extended. We ended Afro April with an amazing ode to Black women in the form of Lemonade, and started off […]