Orange is the New Black Returns for Season 2 Tomorrow on NetFlix!

The Taystee Twirl
I LOVE Orange is the New Black (@OITNB) and I wrote a post on 10 reasons why when I binge-watched it last year. Jenji Kohan’s adaptation of the book of the same name has captured folks’ attention since last year. I’ve been super ready to continue watching the journey of Piper Chapman, Taystee, Poussey, Crazy Eyes, Sophia, Big Red and the rest of the ladies. Oh and the guys they have to deal with (like Pornstache. He is the worst).
Tomorrow (June 6), season 2 will be released on Netflix for us to consume. Where season 1 left off was Piper beating the dog mess outta Pennsatucky, who had finally succeeded at pushing her over the edge. I thought she might have killed her at first (but she didn’t since Penn is on this new season). BuzzFeed has a good recap of the season 1 finale, to refresh your memory.
Anywho, watch the trailer below of the season 2 happenings.
YESSSSS!!! Shommon! Basically, my weekend is shot to pieces because I might just have to watch it all before Monday.
Oh and I met Danielle Brooks and Samira Wiley (Taystee and Poussey) at the ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon in February. They’re both the absolute sweetest and it made me love their characters even more than I already did.
Anywho I CAN’T WAIT FOR TOMORROW! Actually, it’ll be available at 12:01am PT on Friday so for those of us who are night owls, we can start watching season 2 (and all 13 episodes of it) then.
Do yall want me to recap OITNB? If so, I will have to watch the episodes one by one and write after each one instead of binge-watching. That’ll be hard. But let me know!
Please recap!
YASSSS!! Please recap it!
you had betta!!
YESSSS! You MUST recap!
PLEASE…PLEASE Recap!!! I need nicknames for the characters & all of that!!!
Luvvie, chile, I’m taking a half day off work to binge watch OITNB!! I am here for every nanosecond of it and would be planted like a tree by the water for the recaps!
Please recap! Your commentary for OINTB would be epic.
I’ve been binge watching all day. I watched it last year but I need a refresher (and a life might I add lol) before tomorrow.
I say binge watch recap, but that’s just me.
I stopped watching the show – yes, i know – because I was watching it with my sigfig and they stopped and then I got busy.
When life gets to the point that I can binge again I will! Thanks for the recaps and allat!
Enjoy your weekend either way 🙂
Yes, Gawd! Please do a re-cap!
Nah you know we need recaps!! Pretty Please..
That’ll be a YES on the recaps!
PLEASE recap!
Shouting and fist pumping Recap, Recap, Recap
Thanks in advance
Yes recap please!
Don’t recap. I don’t want to deprive you of the ability to binge watch. If you must recap, though, I say, wait 2 weeks, then recap the whole season.
Yaaaazzz to the mighty recap! It’s your duty as blogger and slayer (to whom much is given, much is expected)…Not OUR fault you’re so good at it! ;0)
Glory, glory, halleloo!
In the name of Luvvie, of the House Ajayi, First of Your Name*, Ruler of Blogdom and the the Six Kingdoms of Digital Media**, Defender of the HIV/AIDS-afflicted,
Since you have so much time on your hands (LOL), I’d be pleased if you did recaps as well.
*not sure if you’re the first of your name or not. For all we know, you could be named for an aunt.
**Six Kingdoms of Digital Media: Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+
Please recap
Yas! Please!
Yes, recap please!
Yes, of course
PLEASE RECAP! Yes…i’m yelling LOL!
recap each show that way if someone doesnt watch as fast as you there will be no spoilers!
Recap, please!
I guess I’m the only one voting for you not to do a recap. Why? I want you to fully enjoy the show and if they means you need to binge-watch (of course it does!) and not do an episode-by-episode recap, then don’t. I promise, we’ll still love you.
I was gonna say, binge watch first then weekly give us a recap. I’m gonna binge watch myself. But I love talking about it with fellow watchers…
Yes, please do a recap!
I am so ready to watch I even having my viewing meal all planned out…LOL Don’t know if I will be able to start at 12:01am though.
no spoilers but I binge watched season two and it is a let down unless Luvvie puts her spin on it and recaps!
All. The. Yeses!!! While I do want you to enjoy the binge-watching, adding YOUR spin on top of the goodness of the show can only give us more life!
I watched all 13 episodes and now Im depressed because its no more to watch for God knows how long.
Please do a recap!!!