Nene’s a Glamma and Kenya Fishes for the Wrong Things: RHOA Episode 10 Recap
I didn’t write a recap for last episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta because the flu had me murked! But I’m back! This episode still got us talmbout Kenya and her non-relationship with Walter but I’ma let her cook. Until I get to that part. Then I’ma talk about how embarrassed I am for her.
We Meet Bri’Asia – Nene and Gregg are at home when Bryson shows up with his new daughter, Bri’Asia and she is adorable! Just round, chubby and chocolate. Just the cutest. Even if her name has an unnecessary apostrophe. She’s still the cutest.

I love seeing Nene like this. Pic from
Nene sits Bryson down and she and Gregg have a “you need to get your life together” chat with him. Bryson says he doesn’t plan on getting married at all and his mama tells him “Then you don’t need to have anymore children.” Welp, Nene! I’m loving the Leakes this season!
Riley’s Relationship Shade – Kandi and Todd are in the kitchen with her adorable daughter, Riley. The topic is about Todd, and Riley lets it be known that she wasn’t so sure about him in the beginning. She says” Right when you started dating him, a month later he’s in my house.” LMAO Riley just READ. And then she says she didn’t think the relationship would last because the rest of Kandi’s didn’t. WELL DAMB!!! This little smart mouth child!
Kenya’s Brunch With Aunty Sisqo – I’m sorry but Kenya’s aunt’s hair reminds me of Sisqo’s. Or a skinny Luenell. But I like her. Anywho, she meets up with her and they talk about Walter. Lori says she likes Walter, but it doesn’t matter because we all know Walter doesn’t like Kenya.

Aunty Sisqo’s look of concern for Kenya is valid. Pic from
So she tells her about how Walter has been acting weird. And one day, he got in the shower while she was in it, washed himself, didn’t look at her and got out. By the time she was done, he was asleep. On some “Oh your naked body does nothing for me steeze.” Aawwww. Walter gon need to just put on an “I’m not that into you” t-shirt for Kenya to get it.
Shopping with Porsha – Kandi and Porsha go shopping for home decoration, because the Steward crib is DECKED OUT! When asked how she decides on interior design stuff, Porsha says her approach on decorating is to “pick what you like and just buy it.” Of course it is. When you’re not the person working for the money you’re spending, you ball out of control. Meanwhile, Kandi’s like uh uh. I work for my coins. We also find out that the Stewarts have no pre-nup. Kordell’s love is blind and lacks business acumen. Chile…
Glamma Shopping with Bri’Asia – Nene and Cynthia take baby Bri shopping. Nene asks that her title not be Grandma but “Glam-ma” since she’ll be keeping her glammed up. It’s cute seeing Nene as a doting meemaw though.
Kenya’s Greasy Shoot – Kenya shows up to a boxing studio looking greasy like she just bathed in oil and forget to towel dry. I thought she had just finished working out but alas. That was actually her skin being oily. She was there for a photoshoot and Kandi showed up to lend her support, while bearing gift of Bedroom Kandi. She figured Kenya would need it since it seemed Walter wasn’t getting her some. She’s so thoughtful.
Prepping for the Move – Nene’s temporarily moving to LA so she’s prepping for the move and talking with Gregg about it. Mr. Leakes has surprised her by making mimosas and putting them in their wedding glasses. My man is definitely doing his best to win her heart back. As they chat, Nene gets a call that the house she wanted on Hollywood Hills is hers! And her next door neighbor will be folks like Tyler Perry. Bet she gon be Madea’s double in the next movie. BET.
Nene’s Going Away, Kenya’s Nuts – Cynthia puts together a going away celebration for Nene at her house and invites the whole gang over, husbands included. Kenya shows up without Walter and Phaedra blesses us with “I’m not surprised Kenya isn’t here with Walter. He seems to enjoy the company of our husbands more than hers.” SPEAK THE TRUTH, AUNTIE PHAE! Lolll I love her so murch.
As they’re sitting around, Kenya opens her mouth to say that she gets mistaken for Beyoncé everyday. Wayment. You mean Knowles??? There MUST be another Bey because that surely can’t be the one.

Look at Porsha’s face. That was mine exactly.
Kenya, girl. The only way you look like Beyonce is if Beyonce looked like a pretty version of Wesley Snipes in To Wong Foo. I need you to stop. Then Cynthia says “If Kenya thinks she looks so much like Beyonce, why can’t she get her man to put a ring on it?” Best thing Cynthia EVER said. EVER. YES! Chile, Kenya needs some medication for her delusions.
Kenya Caught Nothing – Kenya figures that since Walter likes fishing, if she takes him then they will bond and talk about their issues. WRONG! Moesha’s daddy still ain’t gon want you, girl. As they fish by standing on some grass (O__O) Kenya threw something in the water and asked Walter to get it. He basically told her NAWL because he didn’t wanna get his UGLASS white Gucci sneakers dirty. Who fishes in brand new white sneakers? Frank Walter.
She’s asking him all types of questions about their relationship and his attraction to her and he looks like he couldn’t possibly give less of a damb. Kenya stays fishing for the wrong shit. Compliments from Walter, rings that’ll never come… THIS MAN DOES NOT WANT YOU, GIRL!!! TAKE YOUR SASH AND 20 YEAR OLD TITLE AND FIND SOMEONE WHO DOES!
The conversation shoulda ended with “Ok we’re done. We’re over. We’re breaking up.” Someone needed to utter those words. Instead, Kenya huffs and puffs away as Walter says “you ain’t even catch nothing.”
Ultimate shade.
I’ont care if this relationship is fake. The fact that Kenya is willing to be embarrassed like this publicly is a shame and a mess. That child’s #selfofsteam is lower than a basement pipe. I need her to do better.
So whatcha’ll think? Did you feel slightly bad for Kenya?
I feels not one ounce of sympathy, empathy, no kinda thy for Kenya because she’s doing this mess to herself. I mean I’m all for trying to get coin and exposure but to lower and pimp yourself out like this? Nah girl you are tripping for reals.
And did you notice when Porsha was like “And I’m Solange”? ROFL iDied lol…
And little Riley…if that was me I would’ve woke up next week…BUT I can kinda see where she’s coming from. I’m kinda sure that she’s tired of Khandi’s man du jour rotating in and out of her damn house. That’s too much for a child and Khandi should be more careful and cautious with that mess…especial with a girl child. You never know nowadays. Child first, man distant second.
And Nene and Phaedra this year. That is all lol
I feel the same way about Kandi…always bringing some man into her house!! What kind of example are you setting for Riley?!?! And I’m with you chile, #TeamNeNe and #TeamAuntiePhae!!
This was my first time watching an actual RHOA episode (don’t judge me!) and I was stunned by Kenya’s delusions. If she looks like Beyonce then I get mistaken for Halle Berry all the time. O_____o Even my husband was cracking up, saying “Whoever Kimmie…Kendra (I correct him – Kenya) whatever is, she should want to be with someone who ACTUALLY wants her.” But when she was talking to the camera Luke she was dumping Walter, I was done. You cannot dump someone who wasn’t really with you in the first place. I hate Twittah for getting me involved in her buffoonery.
If Kenya didn’t stay tryna throw shade and shit on people without any justification to do so, I might feel a smidge bad for her. But since she’s under the sad delusion that winning a beauty competition 50 years ago makes her better than people, iLaugh. iLaugh my ass off at her dumB tale. Make sure u pronounce the emphasized B in dumB.
* tail
If you rewatch the scene where Kenya said she gets mistaken for Bey, you can also Nene cackle hysterically. Why was Kenya so sweaty this episode? Is she having hot flashes?
Riley speaks nothing but the truth.
Kandi was like Yes I have a prenup! I make the money and I keep mines! I was laughing at that too…Kandi will boo up a man but she keeping her chedda!
This season is so funny to me and I don’t feel sorry for Kenya. I don’t know what her arrangement was with Walter but clearly there was one so she was attempting to defraud me!
I am still Mad about Brandy lying to us about being married! I wasted hours watching her little reality series and it was all a lie? No ma’am!
OMG YES on the Brandy being married thing! That pissed me off like no other. I was like, what is the big deal? I refused to buy any more music from her.
the ‘shade’ .gif though. thank you for my giggle of the morning.
Am I the only one who thinks the show hasn’t done much for Kandi’s appearance? Whenever they do flashbacks, I’m like, this chick looked waaay better in the beginning. And I get that she is frugal, but why her clothes look like she got it at forever 21? Someone needs to introduce her to a stylist, STAT.
I guess Kenya is getting what she wanted, which is attention. I guess publicity is publicity, even though you look like a fool.
Yeah, Kandi really needs to do better in the clothing department. Those sequin shorts with her thighs are no bueno. She needs to start looking like her bank account. And I’m not saying she should be rocking Gucci everywhere – like Walter O_O -but she definitely needs to put a little more effort into her fashion.
That’s her being closer with Phedra! Phedra be killing me with her style. Grown woman walking around with hair bows!
that Gif, tho 0_0
I figure that the only way Kenya was mistaken for Beyonce is by a group of foreign tourists. I can actually see a situation like that occurring. But for her to take it and run with it like she did was overkill.
Luvvie do you have any plans to recap Sisterhood? The show about pastors wives? I saw one episode already and trust me you will have plenty to write about on that one. I can even see you issuing a sternly worded letter or two for some of the cast on the show.
YES! I recall being being on vacation abroad and people thought the guys were basketball players because we were the only blacks in our tour group.
I’m with Porsha on this one. Kandi’s house(s) is/are far too nice for her to be thinking about buying some Rooms to Go furniture. How often do you buy furniture? My mama has the same living room set that she bout 25 years ago because no is allowed to sit on it. I’m sure, big as that house is, nobody is going to be sitting in her living room either so spend some of that money she is making because we know she is still wearing the same dresses from a few years back… when she was smaller.
I don’t know who is greasier, Kendra or Jermane Jackson? You know that Iman foundation will leave you greasy. And Kendra has bad skin so you know they are laying it on THICK. There is very little that Kendra can say or do to make me feel bad for an of the shade and foolishness that is happening to her. She has earned it.
iCant!!! with you talkin bout Kandi wearing the same dresses from when she was smaller! WHY can’t they see what we see? She def needs to look like her bank account and not mine.
* Like I said on twitter – why don’t we get more of Riley (Kandi’s daughter) instead on Kim’s golddiggers in training. Riley’s sharp as a tack and shady dinnamug
* I don’t get why Kenya’s so hung up on Miss USA anyway. Trois and her other Blackbuster films make her otherwise relevant; she should be more focused on that instead of her dusty old crown.
* She looks like Beyonce? NOT ON BLUE IVY’S BIRTHDAY YOU WON’T!
idied @ not on Blue Ivy’s bday!!! Kenya must have hit whatever had her sweating/shining/oily a little too hard before the get together #blueivytalkedtoday….SHE SAID NO MA’AM KENYA
lmao!!!!! Kenya….please sit down somewhere asap!
agreed about Riley! Cute kid thats not trying to look grown and obviously smart
Can we all agree that we cackled when Riley so thoroughly read her mama? I mean that couldn’t have been me because my parents would have choked me out but someone else’s child on tv was hysterical.
Baby Bri is adorable which is surprising looking at Bryson. And the fact that they didn’t tell Nene until she bumped into ole girl at six months?! I can’t even deal. I love watching Nene and Gregg back again. He was shaaaaaaaaarp last night on Watch What Happens Live too.
Porsha has just made a fool of Kordell on national tv. No pre-nup AND she blindly shops? She must have something good under that skirt because lawd knows it ain’t her mind.
Krazy Kenya no longer merits a response to her foolishness but all of the shade after her imaginary Beyoncé Experience was delightful. And I remember when I was working at The Gap and some man told me I looked like “One of those singers from Destiny’ s Child” I asked Kelly? No. Oh…Michelle? No. At that point I figured he had the wrong group in his head until he said Beyoncé. Since I was at work, I couldn’t ask if he was blind or if he just thought all black women looked the same and at 20 I wasn’t yet effective at throwing shade but I still blank stared him for a few seconds.
Awww thanks Luvvie. My day is made….#DEAD!!!! ROFL!!!
@DiscoDiva…I was thinking about Brandy and her fake marriage too. And then remember when she had the fake engagement to that LA basketball player…I can’t even get excited for her with this new engagement news.
The only thing that Walter could have done to make things clearer to Kenya was push her azz in the water, but then she would have still said he was flirting with her. I feel bad that she is protraying herself this way…I would NEVER let my Psuedu-relationship make me look like a fool on TV.
I like Porsche. She is my Jessica Simpson. But when she said she was Solange and would emancipate herself from the family…I almost lost it.
The women should just buy Kenya a damn ring and give her a cabbage patch doll so she can get a new story line.
When Walter looked at his watch while Kenya was speaking I was hollering. He ain’t got TAHM for that!!!
I should know better by now than to read this at work, but chile iHOLLERD when I read the caption, “Kenya’s Brunch With Aunty Sisqo”. Just too much. Whatever respect I had for Kenya up to this point just utterly flew out the window this episode. I will never understand why any woman would go on national television and represent herself like that. It’s not cute, it’s not smart and it most definitely isn’t flattering.
And count me among those who are really enjoying Nene and Phaedra this season. They are doing the M-O-S-T and I LOVE it!
My thinking about Kenya is – she can’t be this dumb. Perhaps she’s purposely portraying herself this way to get some kind of dating spinoff show? That’s all I can hope for here.
Loving Nene this season – I love the way she deferred to the actual parents of the child and didn’t start planning stuff all willy-nilly. Her son’s baby mama is lucky there for sure.
I have a co-worker who is one of Kenya’s cousins. She has shown me proof of their relation. She told me that she doesn’t watch RHOA, but her daughter convinced her to watch a mini-marathon of this season’s RHOA. My co-worker says that the Kenya that you see on the show behaves like that in real life.
Kenya ain’t dumb, just hella THIRSTY. She will do anythang to stay on the show. She has no story, so if she dumped her fake man/relationship, then the show would have dumped her and that’s a no-no because she means to be on national TV by ANY means possible.
My mother named herself Glamma on January 30th 2009. That is all.
I’ve noticed that a lot of grandmothers do not want to be referred to as “grandma”, “grandmother”, “Nana” or any other variation. I know some women who tells their grandchildren to call them by their first names or as their married last names.
Yeah, it actually works for us bc we call my grandparents grandma and granddad and the kids have other names for my parents.
I’ve never been compelled to watch this show up until I came across this post. I am definitely gonna have to catch up. I am still crying @ Aunty Sisqo.
When I read Aunty Sisqo at work, I could no longer hold it in!! Folks think I’m crazy sitting at my desk cracking up by myself!
I totally became weak at the “Frank Walter “comment..
OMGaaaaaaaaaaahhh that last gif Lawd!!!!
So…has anyone checked out the *official* Kenya Moore website?
It is simultaneously doing too much and nothing at all.
Kenya is the female Jermaine Jackson w/ all that greasiness. When the makeup artist was doing her up, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why aren’t you BLOTTING that chile’s face?!? Do your job!!!”
And on a side note,—um, 2003 called—it wants its Flash back. And “recent news” is the 2009 release of “The Confidant,” for reals???
I’m not usually a fan of smart-aleck little kids, but LOL at Kandi getting read by little Riley. I’m giving giving Kandi the side eye moreso than her child—because HOW that little girl know so much about her mama’s mens & them? That ain’t even right…Kandi need to tighten up her single-mama dating game, because her daughter knows a wee bit too much about her um, extracurricular activities.