Kanye West’s Adidas Clothing Line is Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse
Kanye West debuted his collection for Adidas at New York Fashion Week (NYFW) and the who’s who of the fashion and music world were present. In front of Jay-Z, Beyonce, Anna Wintour, Puffy, Rihanna and more, Kanye showed the world that he is ready to outfit us all for when the zombie apocalypse finally happens.
We are SET because as we try to save ourselves, we can don slouchy and shredded sweats, lycra tights, shirts made of mesh and other futuristic accoutrements. These are the clothes for the downtrodden and dejected.
And if you don’t understand his genius, you took the red pill and will forever live in a world where you might look kempt, clean and therefore, uncool. Because who wouldn’t want to dress like they will be volunteering themselves as Tribute at any moment? YOU JUST DON’T GET IT, MERE MORTALS. This is art. By art, I mean Kanye West threw a tantrum in the clothing factory, ripping up everything in sight. And when he was done, this collection is what came out. See more here.
Kanye is so misunderstood, everyone. It is our fault. He is Neo and we are just all haters. And where is Mugatu from Zoolander to applaud this slowly? Because why wouldn’t you want to spend hundreds of dollars on clothing that Huck wore when he sat in the train station before Olivia saved him from himself?
This is so much fashion and not enough at the same damb time. I’m leaning on the “not enough fashion” though. I never knew that clothes had the ability to make me see the future so vividly. Bless it.
The winner of the fashion show was North West, heir to the throne of the Kim Kardashian and Kanye West something. Sitting in the front row, she got VIP access to the clothes, and the 1-year old did what everyone was probably feeling like doing on the inside: she wailed. According to folks who were there, Nori started crying and could not be comforted until she was taken backstage.

Every face in this picture is valid.
I just wanna pause to talk about how all the faces in this picture capture everything perfectly.
Diddy: Why did I even come to this?
Jay-Z: What the hell is any of this?
Bey: Kim gotta get her life.
North: I hate everything so much.
Anna: Bow down to me, everyone.
But yes, North West acted like a baby at a fashion show. Maybe next time, Kim shouldn’t take a baby to sit front row at a fashion show.
Toddlers gon toddle, and maybe all Nori wants for Christmas is to rock a fuzzy pink onesie and have a playdate with someone her age. *I* would have hard time sitting thru a Kanye fashion show full of post-apocalyptic fashions. So a 1 year old is within her right to weep. Have her backstage playing with teddy bears and when Kanye is done appalling people with his lack of taste, trot her out for a photo op.
Beyonce’s face is like “why would you even…?” Girl, I know. Poor Nori. They always have her in all black and fur and leather. That’s not even comfortable for adults! But whatevs. Lemme stop before people accuse me of saying KimYe are bad parents. LET THE RECORD SHOW THAT I AM NOT SAYING THAT. I just think they make her an accessory.
Anyway, Kanye gon Ye. And by Ye, I mean call himself a fashion genius because he decided that homeless chic was his look henceforth. And people will applaud him and I will side-eye everyone.
Ah! Now I see…poor child was probably just terrified!
no humans dat I bees nowin eva wanna ware anythang dat koonye make includin hims angry rap sheeut dat juss irritate peeps wiff a brain nomesane
The models all look so forlorn. Can he rename this to Frocks for the Forlorn? Or, better yet, Frocks for the Forlorn Who’ve Already Been Bitten and are Just Waiting for Their ZombieVampireWereperson Transformation. There. That’s better.
Yes. Lmao yes.
Hahaha right!
I can do better at Value Village or Goodwill for a lot less money. He has a serious self esteem problem.
Actually that is perfect…I’m used to seeing stone faced models walk the runway…but these people look like they are all going to commit suicide right after the show. DEPRESSING!
Kanye West. Because not all arrogant hipsters are white.
LMAO! Perfect.
I swear he’s just one fedora away from signing up for Pitchfork account and liking everything “before it was cool”.
LAWD. If that isn’t the most perfect comment ever.
You beat me to it 🙂
Is it just me, or is Kanye’s line the dark side of American Apparel? Nothing about it is original or inspiring to me…If this was Project Runway…”Kanye…you’re out”
Definitely “Panem Couture”.
Girl yes! But the odds are not in anyone’s favor. District 12 outfits for everyone! Lol!
His clothing looks like a cry for help. Nori is simply verbalizing what everyone else is feeling. Hot. Shredded. Garbage.
Kanye: I don’t have to ask what y’all think. My genius manifests in everything! Baby – perfect. Wife – perfect. My sense of fashion – perfect.
Everybody else: O_O
He tried so hard and so little and the same time
I wonder which negro spiritual he used as a musical accompaniment…
why should i feel discouraged…
You win comments. *flatlined*
expression is asking us , “what part of the struggle is this?” Bey look like, “Chile pleez…” Kimye is asking herself, “why am I even here,” (looks away and thinks she is invisible.
The captions of the picture of everyone’s face are PERFECT. I should know better than to read your blog at work. Have me laughing so hard.
These clothes were made for the likes of Jaden smith and all the misunderstood rich children!
Yes. Yes. And more yes. That is EXACTLY who will buy this nonsense.
Yo, Kanye, I’m gonna let you finish debuting your line, but Mugatu had the best hobo-gear of all time.
Bye! No! You play too much, Rellie!!!! You got me doing the ugliest laugh. I want to read it out loud so I can see what perfection tastes like.
Looking at this show…Jesus wept. Not walked. WEPT.
Look what they did – they made Bey debut her elevator face outside of its natural habitat.
I just laughed so hard at this comment my coworker asked me “uh oh what’s happening over there”. Y’all gonna get me fired! And it’ll be worth it.
LMAO! I said the same thing, that’s Bey’s “elevator” face. My sister has that same face sometimes. She calls it her “Secret Place.” When she decides she is not dealing with some particular bullshit, she goes to her Secret Place.
It was an utter disaster! Kanye has indulged in too much of his hype koolaid. His ego, combined with Kim’s need to be accepted by respectable fashion insiders has managed to make both of them a mockery. I feel as though the “real fashion industry” is amused by their desperation. No one who truly knows or follows fashion takes either of them or their family seriously. Kendall is getting work, because she does draw press and interest but her “career” is mocked and laughed at behind the scenes. I think those of us in the fashion industry are sick of all of them collectively. If they walked a runway announcing that they had purchased a private island and were going to live there and never grace us with their presence again, that would be a show worth watching, not this swill.
I died came back and died again reading your comments! LOL
If anyone clapped at the end of this show, it was only the people in the front row. Everyone out of camera view was too busy trying to unsee what they just saw. Nori was right, all that mess was just wrong! She was the only one with the courage to show out. Nori says “if she show up she gon’ show out!”
I really wish Kanye would only FORCE Kim to wear his designs and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
When Nori found out the Carters left Blue home to fingerpaint and partake in other kid activities she LOST.HER.SHIT. lol I cracked up this whole entire post.
I laughed so hard at this article.. Well said!! LOL
What IS this? Clothing for vacation in purgatory? Ideal attire for when you’re stuck in thundersnow? Things to wear if you need to shred documents at your office? Were the stylists told to create ‘sad and Vitamin D deficient’ on all of the models? I’m soooo lost. Maybe I’m not cool enough.
MAC that was brilliant commentary.
Cue EXPLOSIVE laughter. “Vacation in purgatory”? Priceless.
As a dedicated zombiepocalypse prepper, I wouldn’t even wear this for my beloved ‘pocalypse.
Factionless Fashion. Bye Kanye
Luvvie! I feel the same way, I know people might find it ludicrous but I think they think North is a fashion accessory. That don’t let her be a child. I’ve never seen such a miserable toddler in all my 32 years on this earth. North is fed up day in and day out with her “parents” and it gives me the sads. I could totally see her getting emancipated b/c her parents are a little ticky. I’m really going to need Kanye Omari West to stop trying to make fetch happen.
This is woolen depression.
Now I have the sads.
WTF is this?? The “Homeless Jedi” Collection??
“These are not the clothes you’re looking for.” *waves hand*
You slay me.
When I lay on the couch all weekend un-showered and dressed like this, I’ve always just thought I was gross and shiftless. Turns out I was just ahead of my fashion time!
Prison camp couture.
These garments look like they were designed by someone who has no concept of what actual real people in real life wear. These are not work clothes, traipsing about town clothes, and really, they aren’t even taking-my-ass-to-bed clothes. Anything that looks like a Halloween DIY is not ready for mass market retail consumption as ready-to-wear. They look less ‘designed’ and more ‘found in the trash pile ready to be used as car washing rags.’
I know the people at Adidas are like, “what the complete and total fuck have gotten ourselves into…”
Everybody ain’t good at everything. That’s what I know.
Kim knows this fashion show sucks balls..so, she pinched North to create a distraction! Thats why the child is in such hysterics.
North screaming “Is this my future!”
Ain’t she tho?!
THANK YOU! I was really trying to understand this collection so hard, so very, very hard. I posted an article about it last night because it was giving me nightmares. WHO’S GOING TO BUY THIS?! Oh..right. Celebrities.
I just feel like doing the Mockingjay whistle, raising two fingers and saying “May the odds be ever in your favor”. These clothes have had it.
Happy Hunger Games everyone!
What cracks me up is how everyone has on their nice face…except Anna. Even with her face hidden behind shades you can see the disdain. It’s not little North’s fault. She’s a baby, but we all know how annoying it is to sit next to a hollering child.
On another note…Bey’s eyebrows are pretty. None of that weird overdrawn caterpillar look. Just a normal arch.
Kanye got Kim walking around in one of his alphets while it’s freezing cold in NYC. Top look like North dribbled her sippy cup all over her mama.
I think Kanye wants to be like Alexander Wang, but this mes is turrible. I think I saw Michonne slaying walkers in one of his creations.
This looks like it should he the wardrobe for Children of Men. You know that movie where they stopped making babies!
Is there a petition form I can sign to put Kanye and the whole Kardashian clan as first runner ups for that Mars colonization program? They have to be the best candidates if you think about it:
– Everybody in this planet is beneath them
– Their talent is not understood by humans
– They can create their own Grammy’s and Oscars in Mars where they can decide who wins
– And finally, they all have the proper wardrobe to wear over there! I think I saw Arnold wear that brown shirt and boots from one of the models when he was in Total Recall
I’m willing to chip in to accelerate the program so we don’t have to wait until 2024. “Here, take my 401k, but please leave already!”
Please, no one say “this looks like something my grandmother would wear.
I will be 59 in June. I would not wear this crap to bed. I wouldn’t wear it to weed the garden. I wouldn’t wear it to grow weed in the garden. I wouldn’t insult my house by painting it while wearing this.
“I wouldn’t wear it to grow weed in the garden.”
Consigning & I am older than Granny. You young folks saw this look in your history books under Holocaust pictures. It was featured two years ago in a slave movie. Watdafuk?
But I do want to see Kim wear it in public. Truly, she needs to show her support of her man. Less bodycon? Win-win.
I was wondering why all the initial photos only had the celebs in the front row and screaming North. Now having seen the “fashions”, every face makes complete sense! Poor North. Why couldn’t they leave that baby with the nanny for this nonsense? They probably interrupted her nap time. Kim must be in love because there is no way I’d wear that crap out in public even if my husband “designed” it.
What is this? “Master of the House” of Kanye? Les Mis redux.
Kanye presents…. The Drudge Life collection…..smdh…#blessitjesus #getbehindtheesatan
You say Zombie Apocalypse. I say Postmodern Slavery. These threads look very reminiscent of burlap…
What was with the wig caps? Help me understand!!
That black alphet is all “7:52” in hot pants…
Abegnation chic!
For realz? I love you because you are crazy. But I think I love you more because your readers are crazier than you are. I just laughed for 15 minutes straight at these comments. iCant. iShant. iDied.
What in the hot hot hell? Are we being trolled. We’re being trolled.
i am so sorry for these refugees. Imagine the pain and the strife they all went through. I am so happy that they were able to find some clothing that the rabid dogs didn’t destroy completely. Kanye, please give them a warm meal and a blanket.
One of my frat brothers on FB said it was post apocalyptic Gordon Gartrell. Valid. ‘Ye gotta take a break man. You really outchea trying to get folks to break off 600+ bones for a moth eaten sweater? Nerp.
I literally canNOT stop laughing. I can’t stand Ye or Kim. Just overdosing. As my teen son says “they stay doing the most.” *permanent side eye*
Has anybody noticed that not one model looks happy to be wearing this. I’m gonna be nice and leave my comment at that momma always said if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say nothing at all…… good night
I have heard of “Preppy” But that boy is trying to start something akin to “Prepper” fashion. Mother Dondra look down upon your child and help him!
Kanye’s started a new venture …
The Kameltoe Kollection!
On top of everything else, the models are doing Solange’s wedding pose in the other pictures. The celeb faces are HILARIOUS. From Daddy’s “oh no this **** didn’t” to Jay’s horror and Bey’s side eye (they know they shouldn’t have sat her next to Kim trying to force a friendship). And North. Precious baby North delivering truth like a 79 year old matriarch: when all else fails, show out!
Hilar, Luvvie. Hi-lar!
Ha ha and boo! Most has been said in the comments so far.
I only know I got depressed just seeing the *models’* faces… they are oh so not there for it. And the one on the right (“wearing” the grey oversized puke) looks like a storyboard drawing of Tom Waits’ character in Coppola’s Dracula. Poor souls.
What would Susannah & Trinny and Stacey & Clinton have to say, Lawd I’m wondering? (Not that uptight arse Tim Gunn doe, thank you ma’am).
Brand overstretching [literally!], clowns overreaching. Thank you, A*didnt*as for reminding us that “Impossible is nothing”.
Dumpster diving behind Salvation Army.
[…] Kardashian arriving back to Los Angeles from NYC after attending her gay husband’s Zombie Apocalypse fashion show during NYC Fashion […]
I’m dying because this been flooding my newsfeed but lets’ keep it all the way 100 Kanye’s new clothing line is nothing but 80s dance gear and 90s grunge gear that lost a rat match with Naruto on level 9000.
Whoa! haters on full throttle. Collection is edgy not for everyone.. ergo, fashion. Yes, kinda like art. I’m sure most of y’all think a Mondrian is so simple a 3 year old could have done it
Stop hating on ‘Ye. He’s doing great inspired stuff!! How about “his community” support rather than ridicule him.
Go ‘Ye!
1. Please don’t be condescending. We understand the concept of art and great artists like Mondrian.
2. There is a difference between edgy and ugly. This is ugly.
3. There is a difference between great inspired stuff and ugly. This is ugly.
4. There is a difference between fashion and crazy, ugly bullshyt. This is crazy, ugly bullshyt.
5. I’m not 100% sure what you mean by “his community,” but if you mean “us black folks,” we don’t have to blindly support every black person. He’s producing crazy, ugly bullshyt.. ergo, I don’t support him.
There’s always that one person.
The last time I had check, this was a fashion partnership with Addidas, which is a line that is known for sneakers and athletic gear.
“There’s always that one person” ??
Try and be a bit more switched on..
No intent on condescension. To each her/his own — and clearly this collection isn’t for the likes of you in the same way that a Mondrian doesn’t appeal to many
Someone wise once said “All great thinkers are initially ridiculed — and later revered”. Kanye is one of those.
It’s striking that the collection received mainly positive reviews from the Fashion world but the keyboard pros here who happen to be majority black are giving him a lynching — complete with allusions to slavery. Fanon would have a field day with you lot.
( and no, just because fashionistas are positive doesn’t mean you should tow the line — if you don’t like it, no need to act like a f**ing mob or mean girls in the school yard).
Girl Bye, Folks have a right to their opinion and the opinion of many was the line was trash. Most of the national press covered the baby’s breakdown and attending celebs but not the clothes. You sound like a troll. This is a comment section. Stop trying to position him in at the center of national movement. Most people don’t give a damn outside of his music and the foolery that is his in-laws. If the art spoke for itself then Ye and YOU wouldn’t be ranting so dang much.
Seriously, where you are you supposed to wear these clothes? The bottom half says Hawaii the top half says Alaska. I would love to have heard the conversation at Adidas. Couldn’t they give Kanye some help? With the baggie outfits, how do you know if it they even have your size?
This is sharecropper chic. The child watched Twelve Years A Slave while he was at the gym and got inspired. I want the ancestors to visit him at night and yank him out of bed. There is just no excuse.
Notice we didn’t see one of those outfits from the back. Is the ass just OUT for everyone to see? Maybe Kanye is a fashion genius. Nobody else thought of bringing together the Middle Passage and twerking until this season.
Pure garbage! This is not brilliant or eccentric or vanguard or cutting edge or some other example of how Kanye is just too much of a “genius” for us regular folk to get his creativity. This is a drab nightmare draped in camo! Think about it, this haggard mess was born of his soul…THIS is what is in his HEAD! This terrible textile tantrum is the externalization of an insane man’s heart. How sad and pitiful. I was waiting for Jay Z to jump up and do a verse to Hard Knock Life. The reviews out there are too kind. I wouldn’t donate this stuff to a homeless shelter. I would be too embarrassed. The women are (as usual) objectified, nipples imprinted on their flesh-toned body stockings and put on full display. All that’s missing is the auction block and a high bidder. The models look like what’s left of humanity after a nuclear winter. After the apocalypse. Beyond the Thunderdome. After refugees from District 12 wait helplessly as troops from the Capitol prepare to storm their camp. They look lost and bereft and like they would all respond with a Marshawn Lynchian “you know why I’m here” if they were ever interviewed and asked why they would allow such hideous threads to touch their skin and befoul their modeling careers. It’s hypersexualization meets Run This Town meets Xanax meets a bad psilocybin mushroom trip meets…the over-inflated ego of a man audacious enough to declare himself a god!!! Puny god (in my Hulk voice).
Now THIS is genius. Sums it all up perfectly. A terrible textile tantrum – I hollert.
Beyonce: Why am I sitting next to her in the first place?
Where is Dominique_215 when you need her? Can we get her to cuss Kanye and ’em slam out for putting these tarnished walking dead images in our heads?
Yaaaaaas! You took the though right out of my head! LOL
Beyonce’s face: “Chileee… this is the shit Michelle was trying to wear when she signed up for DC3…”
This recap of his Interview with Style had me rollin!..http://viraleyze.com/kanye-west-declares-robin-hood-fashion/
I could put some of this together and make it work lol y’all just haters, but I bet you’ll jump on it later…
Nah, but by all means, do you. In fact, I got some old stuff in my closets I was waiting to send to Goodwill. How about I let my dogs have a stab at it then sell it to you for a little under a grand a piece?
He must be ahead of his time because 500 years from now when the world is at war with Terminators and angry flying robots this will be the fashion.
That model with the yellow dreads looks like he wants to kill himself, that expression is exactly how I looked when my mom dressed me for church.
This is crazy…
[…] is a photo of West’s collection debut at New York Fashion Week in […]