Whose Brother Was Rocking This Supreme Mullet?
The mullet is the hairstyle that will never quit. No matter how much we ridicule it. It’s come in different variations over the years too. With a front that has a bob or fingerwaves or braids. THE MULLET WON’T DIE AND I WONDER WHY! HA! That rhymed. But getchu a …

Whose Creepy Hairdo is This?
Sometimes, you’re bored with having normal hair and you want something different. I get it. Wraps aren’t exciting anymore. And you want to stand out of the crowd. Well, sometimes, you need to have a seat and figure out other ways to stand out besides scaring the bejeesus outta folks …

Coolio and these Struggle Braids Gotta Let Go and Let Bald
Some folks age gracefully and get better with time, like good wine (not the cheap one that comes in boxes even though some of that is delicious but I heard will give you a hell of a hangover). And then there’s Coolio, who went to someone’s event looking like this: …

Whose Struggle Braids are These?
Ya know, I want us all to understand our realities. I need us to look in the mirror and see ourselves for who we are. Or at least know what’s sitting on our heads. That is my wish for 2013. That we all embrace ourselves, know our limits and get …

Whose Weave Did Hurricane Sandy Literally Snatch?
I’ve been watching reports of Hurricane Sandy’s damages and I’m praying for my East Coast friends and family. It looks so treacherous and terrible. This is no Hurricane “Sneeze a Lil” Irene. This storm is completely about that doing the most life and I’m not here for it. I hope …

Whose Stingy Ponytail is This?
Ok look. Everyone ain’t meant to have long flowing, luxurious hair. This is why Jesus invented weave. For those who want long hair without the hassle. Yes, He did. Look in the book of Yakiastes. It’s right there. But there’s nothing wrong with short hair. Especially when the person who …

Whose Country Uncle is This? Oh. Hey, Charlie Wilson
I ran across this picture of Uncle Charlie Wilson at last night’s Grammy Awards and I just *facepalmed* *blinks slowly* Sooo… wut? O________O I have so many questions. * What is Uncle Charlie Wilson rocking on top of his head? * Did he shave a chia pet and gently place …

Whose Half Braids Are These???
Soooo one of my readers passed this along to me and I pretty much HOLLERED! There’s something wrong with some people. This colored individual has a caesar haircut in the front and jail braids in the back. O________O When I tell y’all the future is losing? I mean it with …

Whose Braided Up Grandpa is This?
I was minding my own business when someone sent me the pic below on Tumblr. CHECK GRANDPA OUT!! Lol! Why is he so adorable? Sitting in a computer lab with his bookbag, jean jacket and… slicky ricky straight back BRAIDS (also referred to as jail braids). Chile iCackled. Sooo you …

Invisiwig Brows. NO MA’AM!
I was minding my own business when my girl @KindredSmile ambushed my gchats talmbout “Lacefront Eyebrows.” I told her to go away, but she didn’t listen. This fool sent me a link to: INVISIWIG EYEBROWS! LAWDDDDDD!!! So folks ain’t e’em going the old-fashioned 2001 route of using rogaine on their brows …