About the Hypocrisy of Fellow Christians and Making Demons of Other Faiths
I am a child of God. I am a woman of faith. I am a Christian. And I have been all my life. I come from a Christian family, and our matriarch was my grandmother, who had a mainline to God. I wear a crucifix around my neck. I pray …

About Faith, Fear and Toxic Positivity in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
Everything and everyone is getting on my last nerves right now. It’s Day whothehellknows anymore of being quarantined in the house, trying to avoid a microscopic savage in the form of a virus and I’m side-eying EVERYTHING. My attitude is such trash right now and my usually low levels of …

God is Probably Sick of All these “Thoughts and Prayers”
*another mass shooting happens in the United States* People: We are sending up prayers for the victims. God: …. Archangel St. Michael: Hey God. People are on the mainline. God: *files nails* Oh yeah? I’m busy. St. Mike: You… don’t seem that busy. God: *booming voice* I SAID I AM …

Dear Fellow Christians, About This Christ Crutch We Use to Justify Foolery…
I just feel like I need to talk to my faith-similar folks for a second. Dear Christians, I’m a life-long Christian and I was raised by a village of protectors and guardians who included my Grandmother, a lover of the Lord (with all her heart and soul). She taught me that being …

Dear E! News, Lee Thompson Young’s Death and Yoruba “Religion” Link is Irresponsible
E! News is reporting that Lee Thompson Young’s suicide may have been result of his involvement with “Yoruba religion.” I’m reporting that they’re idiots. It’s pretty ballsy to insinuate this and it’s the biggest crock of bullshit. Methinks it demonizes Yoruba people as advocates for suicide. It’s irresponsible, full of bigotry and plays into the “Africans are barbaric” trope.

I Bet Jesus Ain’t Pleased with this Church’s $70,000 Gift Offering
My girl Dash Harris posted a picture on her Facebook account and I had to blog about it. Because it’s so ridiculous. SECURITY!!! There are just so many things wrong here. The pastor is turning 70 so the only way they deemed appropriate to celebrate his life is by giving him …

The Bible, As Told in 2053. Or Through Blogs
I was bored so I started thinking of what would happen if they came out with the new Bible in like 2053. Or maybe even today. How would the stories be told differently? How it would be covered by blogosphere and others. 2053 Bible is probably gon say Jonah got …