The Whitney Houston Movie on Lifetime Was Wrongly Named: My Review
The much-talked about Whitney Houston movie came on Lifetime yesterday and we all know how their track record with biopics is less than stellar (read: downright a mess). But, I had hope that this would be a good one because Angela Bassett was directing, and Yaya Dacosta as Whitney in …

Join Me for the Twitter Takeover of the Toyota Showcase Account to Live-Tweet the Whitney Houston Biopic!
My people! Tomorrow evening (or today, depending on when you see this. But I mean Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015) is the premiere of the Whitney Houston biopic on Lifetime and you know how much I love me some Nippy. I can’t miss it, and I’m bracing myself for what is …

#LifetimeBiopics and #LifetimeBeLike are the Hashtags You Need After the Aaliyah Movie
The Aaliyah biopic on Lifetime happened tonight and I missed it but it’s coming on again so I’ll DVR to watch tomorrow. Anywho, folks say it’s so bad that the word “bad” is offended that it’s even associated with the movie. And to think. The Whitney Houston biopic is still …

Girlfriend Intervention’s Attempt at Fixing Needs Fixing: Premiere (And Only) Recap
I watched Lifetime TV’s newest reality TV show, Girlfriend Intervention last night. TWICE. The first time to just see it and the second time to get some of the quotes because the show was just that roastable. I already went in with my side-eye strong because the tagline of the show …

Picture from the Whitney Houston Biopic Released and I Have Questions About Bobby Brown
Angela Bassett is making her directorial debut with a biopic on the life of Whitney Houston for Lifetime. The only reason I’d want to check it out so soon is that she’s the one involved with it, cuz you know my feelings are still hurt that Nippy ain’t with us …