Hillary Clinton Side-eye
Famous folksPolitics

Where is Hillary Clinton? Hopefully Taking All the Naps She Deserves!

People really have some nerve. I keep seeing folks asking where Hillary Clinton is as everything goes to hell and it floors me. People are really wondering where the woman who won the popular votes by 3 million but still lost the highest office of the land is hanging. Folks …

CulturePoliticsTop Posts

About the Heartbreak of America’s Choice

I forced myself to go to sleep around 1am. I wanted to keep hope, even for 5 more hours. I can usually find bright spots in situations. There are none for me here. I feel doomed. I wanted to wake up this morning celebrating the first woman president. Instead, I …


About the Election from Hell and Why I Voted for Hillary Clinton

I voted 2 weeks ago, when early voting started in Chicago. I was in and out in 30 minutes, and I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton to be President, with Tim Kaine as her Vice-President. One thing down, so many more to go. I am exhausted, because this election …


I Survived the First Presidential Debates (Barely) with Clinton vs. Trump

Last night was the first presidential debate that put Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump behind podiums and let them hash it out on various issues. As the presidential nominees for their respective parties, it was their job to state their platforms and bring their plans to the table. As the Miss Benita …


The Night of the 2016 Iowa Caucus Was Long and Treacherous

Yesterday was the highly-anticipated Iowa Caucus, where a small state with really white people somehow predict who the final nominees for the parties will be. And it’s the first caucus of the season and people try to win delegates and OMG I JUST FELL ASLEEP FROM TYPING THOSE SENTENCES. Long story short, …


So I Watched the Democratic Debate (#DemDebate)

It was the first Democratic candidate debates in what is sure to be a looonngggg, slow and torturous campaign season. The Republicans already showed their asses like twice and they’ve tried to out-offend each other. So this debate was long overdue. To be honest, I didn’t feel like watching TV …

PoliticsSocial Media

Hillary Clinton is Already Winning on Twitter

Hillary Clinton is now on Twitter, yall! And the lady is already rocking the place. Her bio is winning everything. I especially love “hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker.” You know Hillary perfected the mom bob like no one else. And her pantsuits are iconic in all their matronly glory. …