Whose Touchy Family Portrait Is This?
I can’t remember where I came across this picture but the interwebs is full of foolery so it coulda been anywhere. Ok what the deuce? I understand emotional closeness and all that good stuff, but whose idea was it to take this portrait looking like a human 5-layer yellow cake? …

I’m So Thankful. Lemme Tell You Why
On this Thanksgiving Day, I am so thankful because I am blessed in so many ways, and I give God all the credit. I’d like to give glory to God for another year where no one calls me “Mom.” His grace and mercies have my ultimate gratitude for this. SHOULDACOMEINAHYUNDAI! …

Dear Grandma, We Love You. Always.
She helped raise me. I grew up in her house. We didn’t just see her on holidays. She was ALWAYS there. In our family house. Granny would pick us up from school almost everyday. People remember her because she was an ever-present force in all our lives. My cousins would …