Eat or Be Eaten (with Myleik Teele) – Episode 2 of Rants & Randomness
My people! Episode 2 of my podcast Rants and Randomness is out now! It’s called “Eat or Be Eaten” and features special guest Myleik Teele, CEO of CurlBox. But before I get into my conversation with Myleik, I start off this week’s episode with a story about a magical moment I recently …

Black Girls Rock 2015 Was Everything: Recap
Black Girls Rock is awesome for the mere fact that it creates space for the celebration of Black womanhood, Black girlhood, Black femininity and Black girl magic. The organization (and show), created by Beverly Bond, takes time to honor us on a grand scale and that by itself is incredible. …

Tyler Perry Had a Christening For His Son and It Was Perfect
Lemme tell you something. Flashy is in my blood. It is in my veins. I come from a family that thinks every occasion is a giant party. And not just 1 party, weekend-long ones. Don’t let us be getting married. NOBODY is sleeping for a whole week as we celebrate. …