R. Kelly Gotta Know His Wayward Ass is Not Welcome in Wakanda
You know we’ve been talmbout BLAXIT for awhile. Oh you ain’t know? Catch up and read my past BLAXIT posts (#BLAXIT: Things We’re Taking With Us If We Leave). Anywho, when we leave this joint, we are going to re-settle in Wakanda, land of the abundant melanin, vibranium and no …

Announcement! COPE Has Placed a Moratorium on BLAXIT Passes
It’s been a month since the world began its’ quick crumble, with the election of Squirrelwig McRacistPants as the next President of the United States. We were all stunned, because WTF HOW THE FUCK WHO THE FUCK. Even though Hillary Clinton secured almost 3 million more votes than Cheeto Satan, …

My Melanin-Deficient Readers Respond to Negotiate Terms of #BLAXIT
Yesterday, I published a post on what Black folks will take with us if we decided to make our exit (BLAXIT) from the United States. It was jumped off by Ulysses Burley III at The Salt Collective and basically, we are taking EVERYTHING awesome. Because we created/invented/brought them. My white readers …

#BLAXIT: Things We’re Taking With Us If We Leave
This country is ungrateful as hell. You know good and damb well Black folks built this thing with our blood and sweat, literally. Now you wanna treat us like Starks at the Red Wedding and we do not appreciate it. If we decided to peace out and make our Black …