Whose Precious Giant Newborn is This?
All babies are precious and beautiful and all that good stuff. Let me state that out the gate. So yesterday, I was scrolling on FB and one of those meme pages popped up with the picture of a newborn who came out the womb at 15 pounds. FIFTEEN POUNDS. Look: …

Whose Baby is This? Why is It Already Sick of Our Shenanigans
I’ve featured wise babies on here before. I especially love the one I’ve lovingly dubbed Jebidiah. They’re the mini humans who are brand spanking new but they show up with an attitude, like they’ve been here before and are tired that we still didn’t get ourselves together. Ol’ judgey newborns. I …

Whose Demon Canta Melon Baby Is This?
Sometimes, people get really creative at baby showers. Apparently, the toilet tissue game isn’t innovative enough anymore and the food needs to make a statement. I came upon the picture below, of one of the snacks from someone’s shower and I jumped back and almost threw holy water on my …

Tyler Perry Had a Christening For His Son and It Was Perfect
Lemme tell you something. Flashy is in my blood. It is in my veins. I come from a family that thinks every occasion is a giant party. And not just 1 party, weekend-long ones. Don’t let us be getting married. NOBODY is sleeping for a whole week as we celebrate. …

My Cousin AdeKerry OluWashington is Pregnant and I’m Excited!
I called it months ago. My cousin by marriage to a stranger who just happens to be Nigerian like I am, Kerry Washington, is pregnant with her first child. I am so excited and our family have so much to be thankful for this year. There will be extra jollof …

Whose Wise Baby is This? (And Foolery From My Readers)
I think babies are cute by default because they’re so little and small things lean towards cute. And some babies are born cute AND looking like they’ve been here before. You’ve seen those mini humans. They just look like they hold a wisdom of the years and these are the …

The “Worry Bout Yourself” Baby is Awesome
This video has been going around Facebook and when I watched it, I straight up CACKLED! Her name is August and she wasn’t trying to get ANY help to buckle her seat belt. She wanted to do it all by herself. Her little finger pointing at her daddy! “Can I …