Hella Disrespectful: Insecure Season 2, Episode 7 Recap
Let’s talk about episode 207 of Insecure, peeps! Judgment – Molly is on the phone GOING OFFFF to Issa about Daniel’s face shot. Molly tells her she ain’t judging her, and that folks are just out here watching PornHub. Since they’re sharing all these embarrassing secrets, she admits to her …

Hella Blows: Insecure Season 2, Episode 6 Recap
Soooo season 2, episode 6 of Insecure had me shaking my head at all of them. Let’s talk about it! Avoidance – Molly is working late when she gets phone call from Dro. He’s wondering what she’s up to. He’s calling and shooting the breeze about the game and things …

Hella Shook: Insecure Season 2, Episode 5 Recap
Let’s talk about the latest episode of Insecure! New Options – Issa goes to visit Daniel, and seems things are good with them again because they greet each other with some tongue. “Due North” is playing as Issa and Daniel wrap up their tryst. Do they see each other later? …

Hella LA: Insecure Season 2, Episode 4 Recap
Let’s talk about what happened on the latest episode of Insecure! Night Plans – Issa shows up to Molly’s place, where Kelli is already waiting, cuz the girls are going to kick it at a party called “Kiss and Grind.” Issa’s main aim is to build her man roster, and …

Hella Open: Insecure Season 2, Episode 3 Recap
On the last episode of Insecure, Issa heard that Lawrence is really done with them, and she decides to move on by Tindering. Meanwhile, Lawrence gets back in Tasha’s good graces after confessing to sleeping with Issa. Let’s get into this episode. Violation – Issa is at some random dude’s …

Saying Goodbye to Olenna Tyrell, My Game of Thrones Mentor: A Fitting Obituary
Listen here. Very few shows are hellbent on killing everyone we all love like Game of Thrones. Winter is here, but even before it came, they were good for letting go of our faves. Needless to say, we’re about to get out hearts broken at rates faster than we’re used …

Hella Questions: Insecure Season 2 Episode 2 Recap
Where we left off on Insecure season 2, episode 1 was the romp seen around the world. Issa and Lawrence did a WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA’AM. So what now? 20 Questions – Issa tells Molly about the tryst with Lawrence, and bestie got hella questions. Was it for getting …

Hella Great: Insecure Season 2, Episode 1 Recap
Season 1 of Insecure on HBO left us reeling, as we all had to pick a team after Lawrence left Issa’s face on the floor, and his old Best Buy shirt hanging in their closet. #TeamLawrence felt vindicated from his last act of relationship shade. And #TeamIssa felt butthurt for …

Because I am Obsessed with “Get Out”
This post is long overdue because I first saw Jordan Peele’s new film Get Out over a month ago. Yes, I said “first” because I did something I usually don’t: I went to the theater again to see a movie. TWICE in one month. That is how obsessed I am …

The 2017 Oscars was at the Intersection of HELL YEAH & WTF!
The Academy Awards is an annual ritual in circle jerk, temporary elation and complete let down. If there’s anything you can count on, it’s that some underdog we’ve all been rooting for will win an award, while someone we absolutely abhor will too. We watch anyway, because try as we …