I’m in the City of Angels Making My Dreams Come True
Hey folks! I’ll be MIA from blogging this next week. I’m in Los Angeles working on a project I can’t talk much about yet. But it’s a dream come true and I’m blessed to have the opportunity. And it’s all because of my blog and my writing and my love …

Spirit Airlines is the Actual Worst: A Review
There have been few times when I fly and swear off an airline completely. One of those times is when I flew Spirit Airlines a couple of years ago. I don’t know how broke I was or if I was in dire straits, but the price of the ticket is …

10 Things I Learned About Myself From My Trip to Abuja
My peoples! How I’ve missed you so. My blog hiatus was longer than I planned, but that was because I was frolicking with my family in Abuja, Nigeria. I was there for my cousin’s wedding and you know Nigerians love to do it HUGE, which we did. I had a …

These Suitcase Decals Are TSA’s Worst Nightmare
I was loitering at my quiet corner of the interwebs a coupla months ago (Tumblr) when I came across these: What are these, you might ask? They’re suitcase decals that you can buy and stick on your luggage to travel with. You take these huge stickers, place them on your …

Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome
I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

Amtrak Failed Us: An Overnight Trip Gone Bad
I got a tale to tell about my how Amtrak failed us! I had to travel to DC this past weekend to speak at the Blogging While Brown Conference. What had happened was: Me and my homette Patrice (aka Afrobella) decided to travel to Washington DC from Chicago on Amtrak. …

Blogalicious 2009 Was Great!
What it does, folks? So I’s back from Atlanta from Blogalicious (conference for Women of Color bloggers) and it was FANTAWESOME! I was mainly there to rep The Red Pump Project because my goal is to get 500 bloggers “Rocking the Red Pump” on their blogs to raise awareness about …

Guess Who’s Bizzack?
I been gone for a minute now I’m back (but no jumpoff). Was I missed? Thanks to all my Guest Bloggers for holding down the fort. May your emails be sans Spam. Amen. The conference I went to was THAT BIZNESS (literally & figuratively)! I thought I was a geek, …