I’m Headed to DC Today for the ONE AYA Summit!
Hey folks! I’m really excited to be going to DC for the next couple of days for the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit, co-hosted by Google. I’m part of 75 women and girls who are being brought together from the U.S. and elsewhere for a 2-day summit that focuses on issues …

I Went to the White House, Saw the President and Pope Strutted
I got back from a fast and fierce trip to Washington DC on Thursday evening and I’m still tryna settle in (and I just got back from an 18-hour trip to Charlotte). As I posted on Monday, I was in DC for the White House Youth Summit, and for the …

Winding Down the Year, Going to the White House and on Vacation!
My peoples! It’s the last month of 2013 and I’m amazed at how fast this year went by. Time ain’t playing no bald-headed games. I plan on spending this month taking it slower than usual. Well, after this week that is. Today, I’m headed to Washington DC until Thursday because …

Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome
I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

Amtrak Failed Us: An Overnight Trip Gone Bad
I got a tale to tell about my how Amtrak failed us! I had to travel to DC this past weekend to speak at the Blogging While Brown Conference. What had happened was: Me and my homette Patrice (aka Afrobella) decided to travel to Washington DC from Chicago on Amtrak. …