A Door Marked Exit: Scandal Season 3 Winter Finale Recap
Honestly, I just wanna lay out until February 27, 2014 because the Scandal winter finale has slayed me completely. I just… OMGGGGGGG!!! I can’t even. Let’s just jump into the happenings. Sally’s Sin – Sally’s on the phone with Cyrus and she thinks back to what happened that night that …

Everything’s Coming Up Mellie: Scandal Episode 307 Recap
For a show that is notorious for shocking us with a new development every episode to outdo itself is no small feat and Scandal did that with episode 7 of season 3. When it ended, I literally spent 20 minutes just mumbling to myself saying “OMG I CAN’T” at random …

Icarus and the Burning Truth: Scandal Episode 306 Recap
Episode 6 of season 3 of Scandal was called Icarus. I’m a fan of Greek Mythology and I immediately recalled the story of the man whose father created wings so he could fly but he was warned not to get too high. He kept flying higher and higher and he …

More Cattle, Less Bull: Scandal Episode 305 Recap
This episode of Scandal was slower than usual because halfway through it, I wasn’t sweating. My heart has usually jumped twice in my chest 30 minutes into an episode. BUT it was the calm before the storm. Shonda was preparing to slay us all and shake ALL the tables. The …

Say Hello To My Little Friend: Scandal Episode 304 Recap
Scandal stays messier than an episode of Hoarders. And Rowan/Eli Pope ain’t gon let chaos die because he is here to create more mess. Especially with this whole Operation Remington thing. But let’s jump right in! Daddy’s the Devil – Liv is kicking Jake out her apartment because she wants …

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington: Scandal Episode 303 Recap
Scandal is stressful, bro. I mean it. This show be having me waiting to exhale for a whole hour. I’m worried for myself because I be so invested in every second. When the show was bout to start, the homie @YoungSinick said “Shh, my stories are about to come on” and …

Guess Who’s Gooning at Dinner: Scandal Episode 302 Recap
If there’s one thing Scandal continues to do, it’s to out-goon itself. There’s just so much bad-assness in this show, and I am comfortable crowning Rowan Pope as King Goon of the World. My man has no chill and no dambs to give about anyone but the republic. “Guess Who’s …

Scandal is BACK! Season 3: Episode 1 Handled It!
Scandal is BACK, yall! I’ve been preparing for this moment ALL MY LIFE (ok 4 months, but still). Gladiators everywhere have analyzed the show to pieces and got our minds ready to see what Shonda Rhimes was gonna serve us for season three and last night was finally the time! …