So I Watched Lifetime’s Unauthorized Saved By the Bell Story
I was 5 in 1990 when Saved by the Bell got its start and I haven’t seen too many behind-the-scenes specials on it. I’ve watched (and continue to watch) reruns of SBTB throughout the years and like many 80s kids, I’m a huge fan of the kids of Bayside High. …

What Happened to Lisa Turtle?
I was minding my own business yesterday when I saw BuzzFeed’s post about Lark Voorhies, aka Lisa Turtle from “Saved by the Bell.” I wasn’t ready for what was waiting for me. O___O I don’t understand. No really. Someone explain to me what happened to this once beautiful lady with …

5 Old TV Shows That Rocked My Socks
In my decrepitness, I got to watch some old TV, and lawd I ain’t know I missed it so. LAWD did I reminisce. I loved many old shows but these were the ones I watched these past coupla days being home. Stroll down memory lane with me. Golden Girls Picture …