Where the Sun Don’t Shine: Scandal Season 4 Winter Finale Recap
Ooooo chile! January 29, 2015 can’t come fast enough because Scandal left me wondering where I left my good wig. I HAZ SO MANY THOUGHTS! Let’s jump right in. Charge Her – Olivia is sitting in the Oval Office looking shell-shocked and Jake and Fitz talk about what the hell …

Who is the Grandest Goon? Rowan Pope, Frank Underwood or Gus Fring?
3 of the most binge-watch worthy shows on television in the last 4 years gotta be Breaking Bad, Scandal and House of Cards. Many a weekend have been lost in front of NetFlix, watching episodes back-to-back because those shows are thrilling. But all three shows are also amazing because they have …

The Last Supper: Scandal Episode 408 Recap
Take all my edges then, Scandal. I don’t need them. I’ll just wear visors more often. Let’s talk about this episode. The Petty Triangle – The three non-amigos are in the bunker trying to figure out what their next move needs to be now that Fitz knows Jake is innocent. …

Inside the Bubble: Scandal Episode 403 Recap
Scandal season 4 is back to getting the Gladiators to gladiate again and I’m really a fan of the fact that Olivia isn’t falling apart in every episode. Anywho, let’s talk about episode 3. Handle It – Lizzie Bear drops off her daughter at school when a shady-looking man rolls …

Icarus and the Burning Truth: Scandal Episode 306 Recap
Episode 6 of season 3 of Scandal was called Icarus. I’m a fan of Greek Mythology and I immediately recalled the story of the man whose father created wings so he could fly but he was warned not to get too high. He kept flying higher and higher and he …

Guess Who’s Gooning at Dinner: Scandal Episode 302 Recap
If there’s one thing Scandal continues to do, it’s to out-goon itself. There’s just so much bad-assness in this show, and I am comfortable crowning Rowan Pope as King Goon of the World. My man has no chill and no dambs to give about anyone but the republic. “Guess Who’s …

Scandal is BACK! Season 3: Episode 1 Handled It!
Scandal is BACK, yall! I’ve been preparing for this moment ALL MY LIFE (ok 4 months, but still). Gladiators everywhere have analyzed the show to pieces and got our minds ready to see what Shonda Rhimes was gonna serve us for season three and last night was finally the time! …