Use Your Platform (with Sue Bird) – Episode 11 of Professional Troublemaker
This week on Professional Troublemaker, I’m talking to superstar basketball player Sue Bird. We’re talking about thinking BIG and maintaining expectations in the face of adversity, the importance of authenticity as a gay woman in sports, intersectionality, knowing your value, and the power of unity. DOWNLOAD EPISODE 11 TRANSCRIPT You …

What is an Oríkì?
What’s an oríkì? An oríkì is a Yoruba greeting of the word orí meaning “head” and kì meaning “to greet or praise”. In the first chapter of my book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual, I talk about the importance of writing an oríkì– your personal hype mantra! You’ve seen it …

Own Your Success (with Nicole Walters) – Episode 10 of Professional Troublemaker
This week on Professional Troublemaker, I’m talking to entrepreneur, business strategist, and star of “She’s the Boss” on USA Networks, Nicole Walters. DOWNLOAD EPISODE 10 TRANSCRIPT Nicole is the founder and CEO of a multi-million-dollar personal development and business education empire. After quitting her corporate job on live stream in …

Today is the Day! Pub Day + Episode 9 of Professional Troublemaker
Today’s the day! Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual is officially in the world. You can now purchase Professional Troublemaker wherever books are sold, including Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and more! A big shoutout to everyone who has bought the book so far! I’m talking about the book everywhere I …

5 Things My Grandmother, Mama Faloyin, Taught Me
We all know her. That older Black woman who will lambast you in one breath and feed you the best food one minute later. She knows no strangers because everyone she comes across is family. She’s been through life’s worst but made it through to the best side. The elder …

The Kindness Train is Sponsoring this Book Tour Giveaway
Two weeks ago, I announced the virtual book tour that accompanies the launch of my 2nd book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual. I’m doing seven stops with seven amazing conversation partners: Myleik Teele, Gabrielle Union, Esther Perel, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Kahlana Barfield Brown, KevOnStage, Glennon Doyle. It’s an epic book …

Listen to the Professional Troublemaker Playlist (& More)!
Happy Monday to all my people! Every day we get closer to March 2, I get more and more excited. I cannot believe we are almost to the publication date. This book is the best work I’ve done yet, and I can say confidently that it is even better than …

Be The Queen (with Elsa Majimbo) – Episode 8 of Professional Troublemaker
This week on Professional Troublemaker, I’m talking to 15x chess champion, professional bragger, comedian, and social media sensation Elsa Majimbo. DOWNLOAD EPISODE 8 TRANSCRIPT Pre-global pandemic, Elsa was a journalism student with just over seven thousand followers. Fast forward a few viral videos later, and Elsa is out here with …

Take the Mantle (with Tarana Burke) – Episode 7 of Professional Troublemaker
This week on Professional Troublemaker, I’m talking to someone who is the literal walking definition of what a professional troublemaker is. She’s a truthteller, she’s a disruptor, she’s a trailblazer and a change agent – activist, author, and speaker Tarana Burke. DOWNLOAD EPISODE 7 TRANSCRIPT We always make it a …

Join Me for the Professional Troublemaker Book Tour!
In three weeks, my second book drops! Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual, will be out in the world and I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! This book is the best work I’ve done yet, and I can say confidently that it is even better than book 1 (I’m Judging You: …