Message From the Greatest Generation: Best Political Ad EVER
There’s a passion in this election season that’s different from the last. I think it’s partly because of how the Republican party has been showing OUT this time around. They aren’t even trying to act like they’re not a party of racist jackasses who are desperate to get THAT BLACK …

Cutest Grandparents EVER and Their Webcam Struggle
I love old people so murch. They are hilarious, especially when it comes to their discovery of anything technology-related. One of my followers (@LaCienegaB) tweeted me this link from ABC7, of Bruce and Esther Huffman trying to figure out how to work their webcam. Their granddaughter had apparently tried to …

Whose Braided Up Grandpa is This?
I was minding my own business when someone sent me the pic below on Tumblr. CHECK GRANDPA OUT!! Lol! Why is he so adorable? Sitting in a computer lab with his bookbag, jean jacket and… slicky ricky straight back BRAIDS (also referred to as jail braids). Chile iCackled. Sooo you …

Facebook and Old Folks are Here to Stay
As you see from my last post, old folks ain’t on the top of my Christmas list right now. This brought me to the fact that I can’t even avoid them if I tried. They’ve infiltrated my hangout spots now too! Like Facebook. Remember when Facebook was just college students? …