A Woman Scorned Had This Woman HOT: Scandal Episode 220 Recap
After last week’s complete emotionally wrecking episode of Scandal, I wondered how the story would continue. Well, 752 made way for A Woman Scorned and we were treated with the return of the segzy. Whoooo, yes MA’AM! Let’s get into it. Swimming with No Fishes – Olivia is taking laps …

Olivia, You in Danger, Girl! Scandal Episode 218 Recap
Yo. YOOOOOOOO! This episode of Scandal slayed me in a way that nothing of fiction has ever slayed me before. Not even when Mufasa died on Lion King was I this unable to deal. It rendered me so helpless that I couldn’t e’em write this recap last night. No one …

A Criminal, A Whore, An Idiot and a Liar: Scandal Episode 211 Recap
Scandal went off air over 30 minutes ago and I’m sitting on this couch wondering what my life is about. I mean GAHTDAMB. This episode didn’t murk my spirit in the last 5 minutes like normal. Instead, the entire episode just slayed me completely. Every scene was as important as …