An Oriki Tribute to Esther Perel, My Professional Troublemaker Partner
Esther of House Perel, first of her name. Adviser of amour. Lecturer of love. Devotee of desire. Vulnerability sage. The Belgian scholar. Teacher of tenderness. Philosopher of passion. 🎨 @nicoleupdegraff

The Kindness Train is Sponsoring this Book Tour Giveaway
Two weeks ago, I announced the virtual book tour that accompanies the launch of my 2nd book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual. I’m doing seven stops with seven amazing conversation partners: Myleik Teele, Gabrielle Union, Esther Perel, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Kahlana Barfield Brown, KevOnStage, Glennon Doyle. It’s an epic book …

Listen to the Professional Troublemaker Playlist (& More)!
Happy Monday to all my people! Every day we get closer to March 2, I get more and more excited. I cannot believe we are almost to the publication date. This book is the best work I’ve done yet, and I can say confidently that it is even better than …

Join Me for the Professional Troublemaker Book Tour!
In three weeks, my second book drops! Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual, will be out in the world and I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! This book is the best work I’ve done yet, and I can say confidently that it is even better than book 1 (I’m Judging You: …