On Wakanda: My Black Panther Review
Black Panther! This movie has taken over the world! It’s been probably the biggest pop culture moment in the last decade, and the most highly anticipated film in a long while. It’s finally here, and it has lived up to every piece of hype it has gotten. I’ve seen it …

ECLIPSED was Amazing and Now There’s A Documentary Going Behind the Curtains
The first time I met Danai Gurira was in 2014. We were both at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit, and it was there that I got to see how incredible she is. People know her mostly as Michonne from The Walking Dead, but she is also a gifted orator and …

Because BLACK GIRLS ROCK! 2016 Was Dope: My Recap
The Gap just dropped an ad on how girls can do anything, featuring a Black girl who is being used as an armrest by one of the white girls. Kirsten West Savali wrote an amazing piece on The Root about it. Read: The Price on Our Heads: New GapKids Ad Sparks Racially …

The AYA Summit Was Awespiring (Awesome and Inspiring) and These 4 Women Moved Me
I was in a room with giants. Being at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit was incredible and I’m still processing all that happened there. 75 women were brought together with change agents to talk about issues that are affecting women and girls around the world, specifically in countries in Africa. The summit …