Why Won’t Rachel Dolezal Sit Her Non Black Ass Down?
Y’all. I’m so mad that Rachel Dolezal managed to take her 15 minutes of infamy and stretch it into whatever the hell is going on right now. I have been pretty good about not paying attention to her but this GOOFASS woman just won’t go occupy the stadium of seats she …

About Writing While Loving Blackness and Hurting White Feelings
Are you mad about this title? Keep reading. You’re probably the main one that needs to read this. It has been an interesting 5 days, since Beyonce dropped her Formation video and broke the internet. People (me included) have not been able to stop talking about it, and it has …

About Rachel Dolezal the Undercover Sista and Performing Blackness
Soooo about Rachel Dolezal… I am aware that I’m tardy for the party in throwing my hat in the ring but I’m just here so I don’t get fined. I might be a day late and a word count short but this lady has taken over our minds in the …