About Harmful Traditions and Why I Celebrate The Indians Losing to the Cubs in the World Series
First, I have to say how proud I am for my home city! The Chicago Cubs came back from a 3-1 deficit to win the World Series! They haven’t won since 1908. The last time the Cubs were Major League Baseball’s champions, no World Wars had happened yet, women couldn’t …

White Lady Dons Blackface for African Tribes. Because: Awareness
The year is fresh but what’s really old is well-meaning white people who do things that make my blood pressure rise. I know, friend. You really wanted to honor us in some way but one way you could do it is by having a Black friend who has sense, so …

Halloween Has a Blackface Issue and It’s a Racism Problem
Every year. EVERY GAHTDAMB YEAR, Halloween rolls around and we have to deal with folks who want to paint themselves black and brown for some costume. It is exhausting and enraging and absolutely overwhelming. It’s REALLY hard for me to write about it because I just wanna cuss and fight …

Halloween Costumes Fail Too Often
It’s Halloween and I’m one of those who doesn’t really DO Halloween. This isn’t because of religious reasons or political stuff or the others. I don’t stand on a soapbox or anything. I just don’t give a damb about putting on costumes. That’s it. That is all. But I know …

Is Black Face the New Black? Sarah Silverman Thinks Its Funny
Y’all know what it is! A double post day is something se’ous around these parts. Every Halloween time, I dread the costumes I’ll be seeing. I don’t care about the slutty ones. Do you. Your ass cheeks can be visible all in the name of ceremony. I don’t give two …