Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Scandal?!? Episode 214 Recap
After last week’s Scandal episode left me in need to pressure pills and sniffs of extra oxygen from Verna’s tank, I was just ready to see what was next. And when I heard that the show was jumping 10 months ahead, I knew Shonda and her team were gon shake …

The 2013 Grammy Awards Were Decent. Or Maybe Twitter Tricked Me
The Grammys were relatively lowkey this year compared to previous ones. Because 2 out of the last 4 years, something MAJORLY tragic has happened before it. Thankfully, nothing crazy of note happened. WE TANK GAWD. Anywho, my thoughts on the show are about everything but the award giving itself. You’re …

Nobody Likes Babies Was a Game Changer: Scandal Episode 213 Recap
I know. I know. Every week, I start with how much Scandal has slayed me, but truly, this last episode left me trapped in a glass case of emotions and only Shonda Rhimes has the key to get me out! It had me so spent that I had to go …

Beyonce, Shade and More: Thoughts on the 2013 Super Bowl
So ya know the Super Bowl was last night. GO *insert team name who won here*! You fought a good fight against *name of other team here*! I knew you’d win at the end! O_O Yes, and all that good stuff. As you can tell, I didn’t really care about …

Truths and Consequences: Scandal Episode 212 Recap
It was worth the wait. Two weeks ago when Scandal left off after the flashback of Olivia giving the League of Goons her tearful and hesitant approval of the election rigging, I was feeling all the feelings. Especially since Senator Pudding Pop had just proposed and President Ghost had just …

Stallion Booty, Crazy Kenya: RHOA Episode 13 Recap
I didn’t get a chance to watch last week’s Real Housewives of Atlanta episode until yesterday since I was in DC running the streets for Inauguration weekend. For those who realized my site was recap-deficient last week, that’s what happened. But I caught up to the haps, and it seems …

My Comprehensive Recap of the SAG Awards
I didn’t watch it because I knew it’d be boring. And not enough of my Twitter peeps were watching it for the tweets to entertain me. Also, Real Housewives of Atlanta was on. So NAWL. The end. *curtsies* You’re welcome. Did you watch it? How’d it go?

5 Reasons Why No One is Here for Aunt Viv 2.0 From Fresh Prince
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is one of those shows that immediately makes me think of my childhood. I’ve watched every single episode, and I can recite some of the lines. Plus, I’ve memorized Will Smith’s drum juke, surely keeping other types of knowledge out my brain. It’s fine. It’s allowed. …

4 Reasons Why 2 Weeks is Too Long for Scandal to be Gone
The next episode of Scandal isn’t for another week. And the last one was last week. And it’s been too long (7 days) since I watched it last. Because I’m addicted to it in the worst way. So here I am with a bad excuse for writing about Scandal, talmbout …

A Criminal, A Whore, An Idiot and a Liar: Scandal Episode 211 Recap
Scandal went off air over 30 minutes ago and I’m sitting on this couch wondering what my life is about. I mean GAHTDAMB. This episode didn’t murk my spirit in the last 5 minutes like normal. Instead, the entire episode just slayed me completely. Every scene was as important as …